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Topics: War

49 documents,

Cambodia: nation who wanted to kill. (1979)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:56 to collection C 8/26/2015

The film tells about the dictatorial regime of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, resulting in the death of millions of people, the overthrow of the regime, the celebration of the victory and the return of people to a peaceful life.

History of foreign countries | Foreign War | Policy | History | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

First fight against fascism. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:26 to collection G 1/6/2015

The film tells about the Popular Front in Spain and the Republic of 1936-1939, describes the activities of international brigades.

The film uses various chronicles.

Foreign War | International cooperation | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War | Space

Ural Mountains' Video Chronicle 2000 № 1 Memory about the war

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Newsreel, 1 part, Duration: 0:09:32 to collection G 9/5/2014

The film tells about the indelible imprint that war on the fate and mind past its soldiers.

Veterans | The War in Afghanistan | Social life | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

I'll take your pain.. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:52 to collection G 6/16/2014

Film about the activities of red cross and red Crescent during the tragic events in the Soviet Union: the earthquake in Armenia, Spitak; ethnic clashes in Uzbekistan, in Fergana; the explosion on the railway passenger trains near Ufa.

Interethnic conflicts | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

A Vicious Circle. (1989)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:46 to collection C 4/16/2014

About the Abkhazian family expelled from the collective farm.

Russian cities and regions | Interethnic conflicts | Towns and countries | Geography and Nature | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

Post. (1990)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:54 to collection G 11/5/2013

Film about the events in Nagorno-Karabakh, dedicated complex and tragic relationship between the two peoples, for centuries living on the same land.

Interethnic conflicts | Defense and internal security | Army | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

Terrorism.Series 2. (2012)

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Documentary, 2 films, Duration: 0:25:51 to collection C 3/1/2013

A reflection film about the origins and methods of combating terrorism.

Armed conflicts | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

Discounted Sands. (1989)

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Documentary, 9 parts, Duration: 1:29:45 to collection C 11/20/2012

Soviet-Libyan film about the damage from the colonial conquests, wars, concentration camps in Asia and Africa in different periods of history.

The film features archival documents, interviews with politicians and public figures.

Arabic language.

Foreign War | Foreign policy | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War | Policy

The Afghan Dream-Book.. (1988)

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Documentary, 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:24 to collection C 11/14/2012

On the destiny of the "Afghan" (Soviet soldier who used to fight in Afghanistan) Ruslan who has become a drug addict.

Frames of the war in Afghanistan are used.

The War in Afghanistan | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

The Debt. (1988)

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Documentary, 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:03 to collection C 11/14/2012

About Alexander Sekretarev, a photo correspondent of the newspaper "Izvestiya" ["News"], who was killed in Afghanistan on the eve of the withdrawal of Soviet troops.

The War in Afghanistan | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

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