Foreign newsreels 1945 - 1971 № 2764 Theater "Berliner Ensemble"

Film-document №27280 3 parts, Duration: 0:17:28 to collection Price category F
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:45

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The history of theater Brecht "Berliner Ensemble" 1945-1969

Reel №1 Theater "Berliner Ensemble",

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Photo: The theater, the audience in the hall; scenes from plays.

The audience in the theater lobby Brecht.

The audience in the hall.

Portraits Brecht.

Photo Brecht.

Fragments of the play "Mother Courage and Her Children" premiere.

Photo Brecht.

A fragment of the play "The Mother."

The audience applauded.

Hall Theatre.

A fragment of the play "The Threepenny Opera" on stage.

Engravings, denouncing the German bourgeoisie.

Brecht's home in Berlin.

Brecht's wife at home.



Culture and Arts

Reel №2

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