Kazimir Malevich. (1988)

Film-document №35788 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:39 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:24

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Director: A.Cineman, Tsineman A.

Operators: V.Suprun


The film tells about the artist Kazimir Malevich.

Best films CNF

Reel №1 Kazimir Malevich

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The film tells about the artist Kazimir Malevich.

The film was filming the following:

Halls Tretyakov Gallery waterfront.

Visitors to the Russian avant-garde from Chagall paintings, Filonov, Malevich and other artists.

Artists Theatre Studio under the direction of Galina Gubanova (St.

Petersburg) are preparing for the play "Victory Over the Sun."

Newsreels of the 20's. - 30-ies.: The column of demonstrators held on Vasilevsky descent, the people at the Red Square military parade, festival in Vitebsk - military units are on the streets of the city, in front of a military brass band goes, the people at one of the city areas.

View photos of the city of Vitebsk, festively decorated artists of visual agitation "Unovis" led by Kazimir Malevich.

Photos of Malevich.

View photos of the pre-revolutionary Kiev.

Malevich paintings, among them - "Sisters," Cow and Violin ", etc.

Key words

Theatre. Painting. Ground troops. Museums. City. Higher vocational education. Life. Landscapes. Settlements.



Culture and Arts

Reel №2

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Fragment of the play "Victory over the Sun" staged studio G.Gubanovoy with scenery and costumes, made from sketches of Malevich.

Paintings of Malevich (Suprematism).

Peter and Paul Fortress.

Of the building, where in the late 20's. there was a State Institute of Artistic Culture, headed by Kazimir Malevich.

Photos of Malevich in this period.

Interview with a former student of the Institute - Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Arts K.Rozhdestvenskogo (synchronously).

Culture and Arts

Reel №3

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Interview employee E.F.Kovtuna Russian Museum (synchronously), telling about Malevich.

Panorama of the building of the Russian Museum.

View from the house in the suburban village Nemchinovka, where he lived and visited K.Malevich.

Interview daughter Malevich - Una Kazimirovna (synchronously) on the front porch garden Nemchinovke.

Landscape surrounding area Nemchinovka: meadows, river.

Malevich paintings out of 2 - cycle of the peasant.

Layouts architects Malevich - model of the future of high-rise buildings.

Photos of Malevich, the last years of his life, including his funeral.

Malevich paintings of the last period, made in a realistic manner with elements of Italian Renaissance paintings.

Culture and Arts