Pervomajskij Porcelain Factory. (1987)
The film demonstrates the goods range of one of Russia's oldest enterprises.Reel №1 Pervomaisky Porcelain Factory
Dance of women in national oriental costumes.
Four porters carry a gentleman on a stretcher with a stole.
A lot of dishes in Oriental style.
Close-up of the PFZ - Pervomaisky Porcelain Factory.
Musicians play musical instruments and sing a song.
Close-up of a teapot and a PFZ sign.
Showing various pieces of porcelain tableware against the background of musical accompaniment.
Girls in Russian national costumes dance against the background of a samovar and porcelain dishes of the PFZ. Various pieces of porcelain tableware.
Hand-painted teapot.
Views of teapots in different types and shapes.
Pervomaisky Porcelain Factory
Key words
Porcelain tableware, teapotsLocations
Yaroslavl region
SummerIndustry; National culture Sectors of the economy; Culture and Arts