Day Air Fleet of the USSR.. (1952)

Film-document №4285 5 parts, Duration: 0:48:01 to collection Price category A
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Movie 0:46:53

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Boykov V.

Operators: Oshurkov M.

Anouncers: Levitan A.

Text writers: Agapov B.


Celebrating the Day of Air Fleet of the USSR in Tushino airfield in Moscow.


Social life

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Views of Moscow from the Stone Bridge (shot early in the morning).


In the forest pilots do exercises.

Pilots many sports athletes demonstrate their achievements: volleyball, football players, swimmers.

The pool floats Tamara Guseva.

Horsemen ride-athletes of the Air Force, on the track - cyclists, motorcyclists.

At the airport there are jets.

Kremlin Embankment.

Multilevel Embankment Building, MSU, building on Smolensk Square.

Traffic on the Garden Ring in Smolensk Square, Gorky Street.

The Moscow River floats waterbus.

At Tushino airfield people gather.

Performance of amateur performances at the Tushino airfield.

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Tushino airfield in front of the parade.

Moscow airport on parade participants are preparing for departure.

Aerodrome are paratroopers, female pilots led by Hero

Soviet Marina Chechnevoy.

Master of Sports Golovanov instructs pilots.

Athletes pilots board the plane.

Golovanov in the cockpit.

The cockpit glider M. Ratsenskaya, she heads planeristok squad.

Paratroopers board the plane.

At the airport there are different types of aircraft.

Colonel Dolgushin gives instructions to pilots of jet bombers.

Colonel Anpilov talks with pilots.

To the aircraft are masters of aerobatics - Majors Lapshin and Fokine.

He sits down on the plane.

The starter gives the signal to take off.

As air rises aircraft types.

Flies "six" Chechnevoy.

Aircraft Launch Party, led by Nikolai Golovanov.

At the command post, Colonel Lutsk gives the signal.

The air jet fighters.

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Central Aeroclub them.


On the guest platform designers aircraft and engines Klimov, Mikulin, Yakovlev and Mikoyan.

Arrive at the airport, party leaders and government: Ponomarenko, Suslov, Kosygin, Shvernik, Kaganovich, Molotov, Malenkov, Bulganin and Stalin.

The government platform party and government leaders.

The orchestra plays a hymn.


Open air show aircraft-bearers.

In the air, six sports planes headed by Hero of the Soviet Union, Moscow Chechnevoy in the cockpit.

Planes loop the loop, etc.

Pilots flying athletes, led by the master of sports N. Golovanov.

Golovanov in the cockpit.

Make a series of loops in the air and form a gigantic horizontal spiral.

By Tushino towed by aircraft suitable twelve gliders of Margaret Ratsenskaya.

Ratsenskaya in the cockpit glider.

Flight gliders.

Spectators watch the flight.

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By Tushino airfield fit two-level jet fighters.

In the cockpit, Major Fokin.

In the cockpit the leading second-tier major Lapshin.

Both executives are doing in the air loop the loop and other aerobatics.

Spectators watch the flight.

The government platform party and government leaders.

On the approach to the airfield - "five" fighter jets.

This group is Guard lieutenant colonel Babaev.

Babaev in the cockpit.

To the airfield close group of nine jet fighters, it is Colonel of the Guards Shulzhenko.

The group performs aerobatics and leaves the airport

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Aeroclub building them.


Government platform.

To fit Tushino heavy aircraft designed by Tupolev, leading them Guards Colonel Lukin.

Lukin driven aircraft - CU.

The government platform party and government leaders.

The air column design Ilyushin jet bombers, it is Colonel of the Guards, the Hero of the Soviet Union A. Anpilov.

Anpilov in the cockpit.

Column jet fighter Mikoyan design heads Guard lieutenant colonel Mikoyan.

Mikoyan in the cockpit - CU.

The air sport aircraft taking up position chassis.

Sergey Korobov parachutist leaves the cockpit and makes 625th jump.

Lands Honored Master of Sports Master of Sports S. Korobov.

With five sports planes to long jump, athletes paratroopers led by Gennady Tochnevym.

With three aircraft parachute jump under eighteen athlete Stalingrad Aeroclub Klimova.

Skydivers jumping from helicopters.

On the approaches to the airfield - the column transport planes with paratroopers on board.

Lead car is Colonel Shaluhin.

Shaluhin at the helm of the aircraft - CU.

Paratroopers in the air.

Jump (Rapid).

Skydivers jumping.

The audience applauded.

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