Delegation of Chinese peasants in the USSR.. (1952)

Film-document №4286 5 parts, Duration: 0:15:44, Black-white to collection Price category A
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:27

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Bobrov G.

Operators: L.Arzumanov, I.Vihirev, I.Grachev, I.MIheev, I.Sokoljnikov

Anouncers: L.Hmara

Text writers: S.Nagornij


The delegation of Chinese peasants in the cities: Moscow, Kiev, Alma-Ata, Tbilisi, Sochi; in collective farms and state farms of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia. Landscapes. Types of cities. The Black Sea. The delegation in the Makharadzevsky district of Georgia is watching the work of the tea leaf picker, Hero of Socialist Labor L.M. Gogetashvili.

Foreign policy | Agriculture

Policy | Sectors of the economy

Reel №1

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About dating a delegation of Chinese farmers with agriculture USSR.





Reel №2

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The first silkworm cocoons were collected at the collective farm.

Weighing cocoons.

House of agricultural culture.

Farm building.

A group of delegates visited the All-Union Breeding and Genetic Institute named after T. Lysenko in the Odessa region.

Guests from China on the fields of the Institute.


Academician D.A.Dolgushin gives a lecture on the introduction of Michurinsky experiments into practice.

The scientific research station of poultry farming "Gorki" of the Kharkiv region.

Ducks in the pond.

Chinese peasants at the Kharkov tractor plant.

Guests from China at the Theological Tractor Station.

Repair shop.

Plowing the field.

A Chinese peasant woman drives a tractor through a field.

Planting tobacco seedlings using a machine.

Protective forest strips.

Application of fertilizers from the air.

A mower in the field.

Grain harvesting.

Grain cleaning on the current.

Loading grain into cars.



Reel №3

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Landscapes from the train window (Kazakh steppes).

Chinese guests in the dining car .

Meeting at the train station in Alma-Ata.

Travel through the streets of Alma-Ata.

Monument to the national hero of Kazakhstan Amangeldy Imanov.

The slopes of Alatau.

The lands of the collective farm "Ray of the East") shooting from a helicopter).

The school building.

Collective farm polyclinic.

The clubhouse.

Reading room.

Guests from China in the horticultural and grape farm of the collective farm.

Fruit processing plant.

Wine cellar.

Guests are treated to wine.

A herd of horses in a pasture.


Flocks of sheep.

A herd of cows.

Alatau breed of cows.

Calves of the Alatau breed.

Chinese delegates at the sugar beet field.

Chinese peasants are treated to koumiss.

A helicopter flies over the rice fields of the collective farm.


Chinese guests in a rice field.

Fertilizing with fertilizers from the air.





Reel №4

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Guests inspect irrigation facilities.

The helicopter is flying over the Hungry Steppe.

The territory of the state farm "Pakhtaaral".

Irrigation channels.

Reclamation works.

Cotton field.

Loosening of the soil in the aisles.

Sprinkler system in the field.

Train in the mountains.

Meeting of Chinese peasants in Tbilisi.

Panorama of Tbilisi.

Streets of Tbilisi.

The building of Stalin's Avlabar illegal printing house.

Guests at the museum on a guided tour.

Printing presses.

The house where I.V. Stalin was born (Gori).


Delegates from China at the Research Institute of Tea and Subtropical Cultures.

An experienced tea factory.

Tea tasting.

Guests at the tea plantation.

Mechanized bush forming.

Tea plantation of the collective farm named after


Guests from China are visiting a notable tea grower of the collective farm.

The building of the board of the collective farm named after


Meeting of Chinese peasants with collective farm assets.

Rural store.



Reel №5

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Georgian folk dance for guests.

Sea surf.

Chinese guests at the sanatorium of the Ministry of Agriculture.

Travel on a mountain road.

Lake Ritsa.

Guests from China at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

conversation with the President of the Academy T.D. Lysenko

The delegation was received by the Minister of Agriculture of the USSR Benediktov.

On the podium, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China (synchronously).

Seeing off the Chinese delegation at the train station.


Lisenko T.D. -krainskij i sovetskij agronom i biolog. Osnovatelj i krupnejshij predstavitelj psevdonauchnogo napravleniya v biologii — michurinskoj agrobiologii, akademik AN SSSR (1939), akademik AN USSR



