Opening of the 19 th Congress of the CPSU (b).. (1952)
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Part 2 digitized in HD 0:08:42
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On the first day of the 19 Congress of the CPSU (b). Report GM Malenkov.Reel №1
On the first day of the 19 Congress of the CPSU (b).
Report of GM Malenkov.
Reel №2
VM Molotov from the podium to speak to the Report of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) GM Malenkov Delegates in the hall watching the progress of the Congress.
Malenkov rises from the table of the presidium, sitting next to Stalin IV
Delegates in the hall stand up and applaud.
Those delegates.
The delegates applauded.
General view of the presidium of the congress and of the hall, delegates applauded.
Delegates sit on seats and listen to a speech by Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor with the report (synchronously).
Delegates listen to a speech by Malenkov.
View of the Presidium of the Congress (top), Malenkov of the floor (synchronously).
Molotov, Voroshilov KE, NS Khrushchev, Beria LP, NA Bulganin listening to the Malenkov, sitting on the podium, sitting in the back rows Andreev AA Stalin, Malenkov listening performance.
Delegates in the hall listening to the Malenkov.
General view of the presidium of the congress, Malenkov continues to make a report (synchronously).
Members of the Chinese delegation to listen to a speech by Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor with the report (synchronously).
General view of the presidium of the congress, Malenkov continues to make a report (synchronously).
Those delegates.
View conference room.
General view of the presidium of the congress, Malenkov continues to make a report (synchronously).
Malenkov of the floor with the report (synchronously).
Delegates listen to a speech by Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor with the report (synchronously).
General view of the presidium of the congress (top), Malenkov continues to make a report (synchronously).
Delegates listen Malenkov.
View of the hall of the Congress (the top).
LM Kaganovich, Molotov, Voroshilov, Khrushchev on the podium listening to the Malenkov.
Delegates in the hall applauded Malenkov.
General view of the presidium of the congress, Malenkov continues to make a report.
Stalin, Khrushchev, Kaganovich, Beria, Bulganin, Andreev in the presidium of the congress.
Malenkov of the floor.
View of the presidium of the congress, on the podium - Stalin, Khrushchev, Voroshilov, Molotov.
General view of the presidium of the congress, Malenkov continues to make a report.
Congress delegates listen to a speech by Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor (synchronously).
Delegates in the hall applauded Malenkov.
Stalin on the podium listening to the performance of Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor (synchronously).
Delegates in the hall applauded Malenkov.
Malenkov of the floor, finishes the report (synchronously).
The delegates stand, applaud.
Panorama of the hall (top).
Khrushchev and the members of the presidium of the congress applauded standing.
Those delegates.
Delegates in the hall applauded.
Stalin Stalin - statesman and political figureGeorgy Malenkov Maksimilianovich - statesman and political figure
Vyacheslav Molotov - statesman and political figure
Nikita Khrushchev - statesman and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader, military leader
Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - statesman and political figure
Nikolai Bulganin - statesman and political figure
Andrei Andreev - statesman and political figure
Lazar Kaganovich - statesman and political figure
AutumnPolitical figures Biography; Policy