The problems of war and peace and the modern revolutionary process. (1978)

Film-document №71151 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:09 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:47

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: Z. Krashenkova

Script writers: I. Arhipov

Operators: S. Belyaeva

Recordist: N. Shknevksaya

Painter: O. Vinogradov

Other authors: A. Meljnikov


Educational film for students of humanitarian Universities. The film tells about the history and causes of the wars, types of wars, the impact of wars and conflicts of the revolutionary process in various countries from the point of view of the theory of Marxism-Leninism, reveals the essence of peaceful coexistence between capitalism and socialism.

Policy | History | Foreign War | History of foreign countries

Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Image warriors of ancient Babylon and Egypt.

Newsreel: troops marching through the streets of European cities at the beginning of the First world war.

Warship turns up the keel.

Aircraft bombed enemy positions.

British soldiers climb to the attack.

Heavy artillery firing.

Killed by the soldiers.

Refugees on the road.

Panorama of the ruined streets.

The fighting in the First world war.

Wounded soldiers at the Assembly point.

Loading the wounded in the hospital train.

Wounded in the car, a military doctor makes rounds.

The procession of invalids of the First world war in Paris.

German bombers in flight during the Second world war.

The face of the pilot.

Dropping bombs on enemy positions.

Burning military equipment, the corpses of soldiers, pictures of the victims of Nazism.

People in one of the Soviet villages mourn dead relatives.

Photos of victims of the Nazi occupation and destruction of Soviet cities.

Newsreel: the corpse of a German artillery after the battle at Kursk in 1943.

Shell-shocked German soldiers sitting with guns, his head in his hands.

Anti-war rally in the USSR.

Fighting in foreign wars and conflicts (the frame is divided into four parts).

The gun fires.

Victims of military conflicts.

American soldiers on the streets.

Unloading personnel of the us airborne divisions of transport aircraft.

People burned by Napalm.

Unloading of the American troops from landing ships on the coast.

Marching soldiers.

A squadron of Soviet ground attack aircraft in flight.

Mobile missile complexes on the March.

Missile launch from a submarine.

The testing of nuclear weapons.

The types of the burning of the village.

Those participants in the anti-war rally in the USSR, he spoke.

AA Gromyko sits on the podium of one of the rallies.

The faces of the participants of the world Assembly of peace activists in Paris.

View of the Presidium of the Assembly.

Of speakers.

General view of the hall (top).

Ancient Greek amphora with warriors, the portraits of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant.

Paintings, portrait of A. N. Radishcheva.

Drawing depicting the Congress of the first international with Karl Marx.

Cover of a volume of the complete works of Marx and Engels.

Battle paintings of various artists.

Newsreel of the 1930-ies: interior view of the hall of the exchange.

Hitler and Mussolini welcomed a parade of storm troopers in Berlin.

The Waffen-SS on parade.

Torchlight procession in the form of a swastika.

The police massacre of blacks in South Africa.

People on the streets of European cities.

Boy digging in the tanks with the dregs.

Shack in the slums.

View of the White house in Washington.

Brokers on the exchange.

The production process in the foundry.

View of the hall of the exchange.

Marching colonial troops, newsreels of the 1930s-1960s years, alternates with footage of the second half of 1970-ies.

Unit of foreign invaders in the streets of Russian cities in 1918.

A poster calling for the defense of Petrograd in 1919.

Board the train the first units of the red army.

The departure of the train.

The entry of the red army in Baku in 1920.

Cover of the Complete works of V. I. Lenin.

The text of Lenin's "Socialism and war".

Drawings of slave rebellions in ancient times, peasant wars in the Middle ages, wars of the period of bourgeois revolutions in Europe, the Paris Commune.

Static images from x/movie "October".

newsreel 1924: M. V. Frunze speaks to soldiers.

Military parade on red square in 1922-19023 years.

The fighting of the civil war (screen divided into four parts).

Attack of the red cavalry.

The entry of German troops into Prague in 1938.

The opening of the barrier on the Polish border.

German soldiers marching through the streets of Polish cities, some residents welcomed them.

German troops marching through Paris past the arc de Triomphe in 1940.

German aircraft bombed the peaceful city.

German infantry and tanks on the March.

Poster "Motherland calls!".

Soviet troops are fighting against the Nazi invaders.

Soviet tanks in the streets of liberated cities.

Officials of the world financiers.

Military equipment on the March.

Sailing warship.

The types of the shop of a military factory (above), the production process.

Made ammunition and newly minted coins.

The launching of a warship.

A Bank employee stacks on racks bundle.

Finished products of military factories.

The process of printing dollar bills.

Caricatures in the Soviet press on the topic of the arms race.

The leadership of NATO during the next meeting.

Anti-war demonstrations in European cities, the faces of the demonstrators.

Anti-war rally on one of the industrial enterprises.

Pass antiwar March.

Rallies demonstrations in the capitals of emerging countries of Asia and Africa.

The construction of a new manufacturing plant in a developing country with the help of Soviet specialists.

Fidel Castro along with his associates welcomed the residents of Havana.

Armed with a work unit goes on the streets of Havana.


Gromiko Andrej Andreevich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Frunze Mihail Vasiljevich -- warlord
Kastro Rus Fidelj -- the Cuban statesman and political figure
Gitler Adoljf -- German statesman and political figure
Mussolini Benito -- Italian statesman and political figure


1915-1916 1918-1920 1924 1930s 1938 1940-1945 1950-1970 1978


Western Europe



The First World War; World War II; Wars, conflicts and disasters; Political figures
History; Biography; Policy

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Types of red square during a may day demonstration (above).

Are the demonstrators.

Li Brezhnev, mA Suslov, Kirilenko, A. P. welcome demonstration from the rostrum of the mausoleum.

The faces of the demonstrators.

Types of red square during a demonstration.

The text "Decree on peace".

Newsreel: Lenin in red square may 1, 1918.

Military parade on red square in the early 1920-ies.

Lenin speaks at the holiday vsevobuch may 25, 1919.

Panorama of the rally in red square.

Lenin speaking at 2nd Congress of the Comintern in the Tauride Palace on July 19, 1920.

The view of the meeting.

A photograph of Lenin sitting at the table in his Kremlin office.

Cover of a volume of the Complete works of V. I. Lenin

The text of Lenin's work "Rough draft"program.

Newsreel: may day demonstration on the streets of one of cities of the USSR in the 1920-ies.

Mi Kalinin, Ordzhonikidze G. K. before the rally on the Dnieper in 1932.

A person steelmaker, a manufacturing process in a foundry.

Miner-worker Alexei Stakhanov worked in the mine.

Workers repair the locomotive depot.

Workers at the machines, production processes.

The battalion captured flags at the Victory Parade on 24 June 1945.

Workers ' demonstrations in the capitals of Eastern Europe (the frame is divided into four parts).

Anti-war demonstrations in cities in Western Europe.

Dispersal of a demonstration in Paris in the late 1960-ies.

The view of the anti-war rally.

A disabled war veteran in uniform and on crutches during a rally.

The protesters in Washington at the fence of the White house.

Panorama of the meeting in Japan, speaks the speaker.

Demonstrations in support of the peoples of South Africa.

The construction of a railway in one of the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.

Production processes at industrial enterprises.

View of the building CMEA in Moscow.

Panorama of the meeting of the Council for mutual economic assistance (CMEA).

Brezhnev and Gromyko during the meeting, the faces of the participants.

The opening of the power plant, built by Soviet specialists.

Interior view of the room power.

Brezhnev and Gromyko during negotiations with foreign partners.

Kosygin A. N. and Brezhnev during the negotiations.

View of the Moscow Kremlin.

The types of the St.

George hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace during the Meeting of Communist and workers ' parties in 1969.

Walter Ulbricht puts his signature to the final document.

The meeting signed the final document.

The publication of the documents of the Meeting.

Demonstration in one of the cities of Europe.

Brezhnev and Andrei Gromyko during his next meeting with foreign partners, the faces of the participants.

Construction of industrial facilities and pipelines in the socialist countries.

Panorama of the petrochemical enterprise.

Giving a gift of honor to the foreign visitors during the rally.

Faces of workers - participants of the rally in honor of the arrival from a developing country to set foot on the path of building socialism.

View of one of the middle Eastern oil fields.

Casual workers in Western countries.

Black stevedores in the port.

Awarding advanced workers of socialist competition in the USSR.

Presentation of colors to the miners to leaders, the faces of the miners.

The text of article 14 of the Constitution of the USSR about labour, free from exploitation.

The Soviet customs officers recovered banned literature from the stash in the van.

Western publications in the Russian language, seized by customs officers and state security bodies.

Articles about Western propaganda in the Soviet press.

The announcers of the radio station "Free Europe" in the Studio at the microphones.

Workers ' demonstration in Rome.

A meeting of representatives of Communist parties in the hall of columns, the participants speak from the podium.

View of the hall (top).


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- state and political figure
Gromiko Andrej Andreevich -- state and political figure, diplomat
Suslov Mihail Andreevich -- state and political figure
Kirilenko Andrej Pavlovich -- state and political figure
Vladimir Lenin -- state and political figure
Kalinin Mihail ivanovich -- state and political figure
Ordzhonikidze Grigorij Konstantinovich -- state and political figure
Kosigin Aleksej Nikolaevich -- state and political figure
Uljbriht Valjter -- German statesman and political figure


01.05.1918 25.05.1919 19.07.1920 1932 24.06.1945 1969 1978


Western Europe
South Africa



International cooperation; International organizations; Demonstrations; Rallies; Industry; Construction; Foreign policy; Political figures
Space; Policy; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life; Sectors of the economy; Biography

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Demonstrations in Western Europe.

Female boxers in the ring.

A March of members of the Ku Klux Klan.

Us police detain blacks during the protests.

Demonstration in support of the Communists of Chile.

Mobile missile launchers in readiness.

The clashes of protesters with police in Europe and the United States.

The aircraft, on a military base of the United States.

View of the airfield (top).

Suspension bombs under the wing of the aircraft.

Anti-war demonstrations in Japan.

A meeting of representatives of the socialist countries.

Meetings held in the USSR and dedicated to the struggle for peace, the faces of meeting participants.

Faces of workers of various industrial enterprises of the USSR, production processes.

The launch of the spacecraft.

View of the dam power plant.

View of the eared field.

The harvesting combines.

The types of the reading room of the Lenin Library.

Military equipment on parade in red square, the faces of the guests.

The view of red square during the parade.

Workers demonstration in Paris, Tokyo.

The meeting of democratic youth in East Germany.

The faces of the participants.

He speaks from the podium.

A partisan unit goes through the jungle.

Government soldiers loaded the wounded into the helicopters.

Rallies and demonstrations in Asia.

Parade one of the socialist African countries.

Demonstration in the capital of one of the African States, the leaders welcomed the demonstrators from the rostrum.

View of the meeting room of the 25th Congress of the CPSU.

Li Brezhnev signed the text of international agreements with one of the socialist countries.

Kosygin A. N. during the negotiations with foreign representatives.

The signing of international agreements.

View of the hall of meeting on 24 Congress of the CPSU.

Brezhnev appears from the rostrum.

The types of the courtroom.

Representatives of foreign Communist parties speak from the podium, among them - Corvalan.

Meeting of Leonid Brezhnev and French President Valery Giscard d'estaing in Paris in 1977.

Kosygin during talks in the Kremlin, the faces of the negotiators.

Soviet specialists in foreign enterprises.

View of the courtroom of the UN.

Gromyko speaks from the podium.

The signing of international agreements.

A rally in Hanoi after the end of the war in Vietnam.

Are the Vietnamese soldiers with a hoe on his shoulder.

The Vietnamese are working in the field, from the rubble.

Brezhnev during a visit to Laos.

Panorama hall of the Outcome of the conference on security and cooperation in Europe.

Brezhnev and other party meetings speak from the podium.

The next meeting of the Presidium of the 25th Congress of the CPSU.

Face delegates sitting in the hall.

Suslov M. A. read out the draft resolution programme of struggle for peace, next sitting in the Presidium of Brezhnev and Kosygin.

Delegates vote by show of mandates.

View of the meeting room of the Congress.

The collection of materials of the 25th Congress of the CPSU.

Articles in Soviet Newspapers devoted to the struggle for peace and détente.

Chinese troops parade in Beijing.

Chinese soldiers during training in bayonet fighting.

The text of Lenin's article "Strange and monstrous".

The revolutionary demonstrations in Africa and the Middle East, the faces of the speakers.

The overthrow of the statue in one of the African capitals since independence.

Rallies in honor of the proclamation of independence in the capitals of African countries, participants of the rallies.

Events and marches of neo-fascists in West Germany.

Members of the peace Congress in the Kremlin in October 1973.

Meeting foreign guests at the Moscow enterprises.

Members of Congress speak from the podium, listening to speeches and applauding.

Brezhnev appears from the rostrum, all rise.

Brezhnev at the podium shakes hands with members of Congress.

Types of Moscow streets.

Faces of the Soviet builders, participants of the rallies abroad.

Types of a may day demonstration on red square.


Brezhnev Leonid Iljich -- state and political figure Gromyko, Andrei A. -- state and political figure, diplomat
Suslov Mihail Andreevich -- state and political figure
Kosigin Aleksej Nikolaevich -- state and political figure
Zhiskar d'Esten Valeri -- French statesman and political figure
Korvalan Luis Aljberto -- Chilean statesman and political figure


10.1973 03.1976 1977 1978


FRG (Federal Republic of Germany)



International cooperation; Foreign War; Foreign policy; Political figures; Construction; Industry; Parade on Red Square
Space; Wars, conflicts and disasters; War; Policy; Biography; Sectors of the economy; World War II; History