The Fighting and working Egypt. (1972)

Film-document №7156 2 parts, Duration: 0:15:32, Black-white to collection Price category C
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:50

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Korovkin U.

Operators: Baykov V., Korovkin U.

Anouncers: Khmara L.


The film is about monuments of the ancient Egypt, about new social achievements in the Arab Republic of Egypt, about the struggle for liquidation of the Israeli aggression consequences .

History of foreign countries | Armed conflicts | Interethnic conflicts

History | Wars, conflicts and disasters | War

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Sunrise in Egypt.

On the river floating sailboat.

View of the river and coastal structures.

Egyptian pyramids.


Luxor Temple.

Small alley ramheaded sphinxes in Karnak temple.

Statue of Ramses II and his daughter Merit-Amun.

Columns of the temple.

The cave temple of Ramses II at Abu Simbel.

The statues of the pharaohs.

Wall painting.

The interior of the palace.

View from the window.

The fountain in the hall.

Vehicles and pedestrians under the arch, view of the mosque.

Shipping on the Suez Canal.

Views on the city from the water.

Egyptian bazaars.

Cargo ships in the channel.

The building of the Suez Canal Authority in Port Said.

The flag on the roof.

Manhattan View.

The meeting of politicians and the military.

Chronicle of 1967, the Six Day War: On the ship give a signal.

Powered radar.


Preparing to launch rockets.

Take off from the deck of an aircraft carrier fighter.

M.Dayan with subordinates.

The bombing and fighting on land.

people running down the street.

Ruined house.

Alternation: dead in the streets, the soldiers arrested civilians.

Tank forces.

The soldiers on the streets.

The victims of the shootings.

Crying elderly woman.

Ruined Suez.

Women with children.

The wounded children and adults.

The ruins of houses.

Ruined dock, abandoned ships.

The wreck covers a channel.

Kind of the opposite bank of the canal.

Issues of Soviet newspapers.

Kosygin speaking at the UN meeting.

The ruins of Egyptian cities.

Abandoned Port Said.

The soldiers of the Egyptian army.

Tank forces.

Meeting at the headquarters.

Guards rocket mortar BM-13. Soldier with binoculars.

Children in the school yard.

Surviving students in the classroom.


Diane M. - Israeli soldier and statesman.
AN Kosygin - State and party leader, chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, twice Hero of Socialist Labor.





Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Protests against the Israeli aggression in the world.

one of the main streets of Cairo view.

The conclusion of the Soviet-Egyptian treaty of friendship and cooperation.

People with banners on balconies.

Flags of the Soviet Union and Egypt.

Fragment of speech Leonid Brezhnev at the XV Congress of Trade Unions.

View of the Kremlin.

M.A.Sadata meeting with Leonid Brezhnev.

Soviet and Egyptian policy during the negotiations.

Crowns of trees.

People working in the garden.

Processing planting the vineyard.

Bulldozers are techniques through the desert.

Mechanized state farms, through the yard tractor rides.

Scientists working in the laboratory.

A herd of lambs.

Veterinary inspection of the animals.

ashore from a ship type.

Aswan Dam.


Managers at the console.

Indications scoreboard.

Engine room.

Man talking on the phone.

Streams of water.

Helwan Iron and Steel Works.

Production processes in the shops.

Ships at sea.

Port of Alexandria.

Unloading of ships.

Panorama Cairo.

The city streets, transportation and human flows.

Book Shop.

in Tahrir Square View.

Cairo residents, adults and children.

Panorama of the city.


Sadat MA - Egyptian statesman and military leader, Marshal, President of Egypt.
LI Brezhnev - State and party leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, the General Secretary of the CPSU.





Towns and countries
Geography and Nature