Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1954 № 4

Film-document №10097 1 part, Duration: 0:10:08, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:09:58

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Lyanos K.

Operators: Generalov N., Zakharova G., Troshkin V., Vorontsov, A., Makaseev B. Schekutev A., Berovo M., Park, P., Kusheshvili A. Kalabuhov P.


Different subjects.

Reel №1

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1.Prazdnichny evening foremost Moscow and the region in the St.

George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace.

At the meeting, the advocate - Chairman of the Moscow city council of trade unions as a peasant, mechanic V. Blessed (synchronously), People's Artist of USSR E. Gogoleva (synchronously).

The audience listening and applauding.


2.Vystavka works by artists of Lithuania in Vilnius.

Exposition: paintings, sculptures, ceramics, dolls.

Visitors guide at the exhibit.

3.Vitebskaya sock-knitting factory "KIM".

The competition for the increase in output.

They work weavers.

Knitted shop, works weaver Kryukov.

Hosiery mill factory, works Bogdanov.

Finished products: stockings, socks.

Embroidery shop, work new embroidery machines.

Female packed finished products.

Production company: lingerie, knitwear.

4.Vyraschivanie vegetables in greenhouses, greenhouse plant Angers farm Kemerovo region.

Preparation of humic peat pots for seedlings.

5.Maslozhirovoy Works of A. Mikoyan g.

Voroshilove Primorsky Krai.

Production of butter and table margarine, refined vegetable oil.

6.Novye home in the Izmailovo district of Moscow, built by the young builders who had graduated from school 23-yu factory training builders (factory school).

Classes are in different classes of the factory school: kids master the profession of a carpenter, a carpenter, bricklayer.

Practical: Students are working on the construction of a multistory building on the Dorogomilovskaya embankment.

7.Ptichy reserve in the Caspian desert of Turkmenistan.

Flamingos, wild ducks and other birds, flown for the winter.

Ornithological station in the village Gaslan Cooley.

Making stuffed rare birds for MSU.

Bird watchers spend Bird Ringing.

8.Sportivny holiday in the city of Ulan Hoto Autonomous Region of China (Inner Mongolia) - running, archery, wrestling, horse racing.