How it was (1998) 07.02.1998

Film-document №102641 1 part, Duration: 0:37:51 to collection Price category --
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Part 1 0:37:51

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Producer VID

Anchorperson: Shklovskij Oleg

Reel №1

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The film "Hello, I'm your aunt", 1975.

The presenter talks about the release in 1975 of the two-part film "Hello, I'm your Aunt", based on the play by Brandon Thomas "Aunt Charley".

The presenter invites Viktor Abrosimovich Titov to the studio.

V.A. Titov talks about 1975 - about a time that could be called timelessness, about the proposal to make a remake of the trophy film "Aunt Charley", about the British actor Charles Lawton, whose image prompted him to choose Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin for the main role.

Titov says that he already knew Kalyagin, had shot him in the previous four films and knew his creative possibilities.

Kalyagin A.A. tells how he played a man in the role of a woman, what feelings it caused.

The presenter invites actress Tamara Makarovna Nosova, who played the role of Donna Rosa d'alvadorets, to the studio.

Nosova T.M. says that she was very flattered, because to get such a role is a rare happiness.

The presenter invites actor Mikhail Mikhailovich Kozakov to the studio.

Kozakov talks about the role of Colonel Francis Chesney, about the musical theme of his hero.

Kozakov about the director's proposal to make his character lame and about the title of the picture, which was suggested by the poet Naum Olev.

The presenter talks about the cameraman of the film, George Rerberg.

Titov V.A. talks about Rerberg, with whom he shot four pictures, recalls how critics crushed the comedy and praised only the operator.

Kozakov and Kalyagin about the rehearsal and shooting of the scene when the characters throw cakes.

Kozakov about laughter on the set.

Titov about shooting a scene with cakes and getting into an antique clock.

Dzhigarkhanyan Armen Borisovich talks about the film.

The presenter invites the actress Galina Petrovna Orlova to the studio and asks about the brightest memory of the shooting.

Orlova talks about the phrase "I'm very glad to see you, my boy" and the gesture of Oleg Shklovsky, who played Jackie Chesney in the film.

Shklovsky and Orlova recall the scene of the film on a wobbly bench, about a lot of takes, Orlova talks about her costume and the fall.

Kalyagin says that sometimes he is asked if it was difficult for him to play the role of a woman and about the reincarnation of an actor.

Dzhigarkhanyan talks about his roles and concentration while working on the site.

Titov and Shklovsky talk about performing a trick with Shklovsky falling on the piano, about "passing through the strings" and a huge number of takes.

Kalyagin says that when performing the song "Love and Poverty" (words by R. Burns, music by V. Kazenin), he imitated Adriano Celentano.

Dzhigarkhanyan on programming success.

Kalyagin says that the film was shot just to laugh, without ideology; it was Soviet times, and people were happy with the film, but the criticism was not ready.

The presenter expresses his gratitude to everyone who came to the studio.

The program uses fragments of the film "Hello, I'm your Aunt" (1975, directed by V.A. Titov) and footage of foreign chronicles of the early XX century (parades, costumed processions, theatrical performances, crowds in the streets).


Titov V.A. -- Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor.
Kalyagin A.A. -- Soviet and Russian actor, theater and film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Nosova T.M. -- Soviet and Russian film actress, People's Artist of Russia.
Kozakov M.M. -- Soviet, Russian and Israeli actor, theater, film and television director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Dzhigarhanyan A.B. -- Soviet, Russian and Armenian actor, theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the Armenian SSR, artistic director of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.
Orlova G.P. -- Soviet film actress.
Shklovskij O.M. -- Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, TV presenter.

