On blue roads 1979 № 64

Film-document №103053 1 part, Duration: 0:08:50 to collection Price category G
  • Parts
  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:50

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Director: O.Babashkin,V.Toropov, A.Gerasimov, V.Tomberg, L.Ostrovskij

Script writers: N.Barkova, A.Gerasimov, V.Tomberg, A.Kozak

Operators: K.Fedorovich,A.Gorchukov, M.Aleksanyan, Ya.Lyublin, V.Tazetdinov

Text writers: G.Halturin

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. By the group method.

Port of Kotlas.

Port cranes.

Meeting of captains of the Northern River Shipping Company.

Commodity composition.

Transshipment of coal from Vorkuta from wagons to a barge.

A tugboat and a barge.

The captains are in the control room.

Arkhangelsk port.

2. Additional reserves.


Boxes of vegetables on the barge.

Loading vegetables.

Loading containers.

3.Extend navigation.

Icebreaker "Captain Krutov".

Captain with binoculars at the control panel.

Icebreaker console.

A channel with a smooth edge.

A caravan of ships.

4. Beacon signal.

Lake Ladoga.

Lighthouse on the lake.

Solar panels are a source of energy.

Thermoelectric generator powered by radioisotopes.


Beacon signal light.


Arkhangelsk region
Astrakhan region
Leningrad region

