Soyuzkinozhurnal 1936 № 22

Film-document №103315 1 part, Duration: 0:08:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:08:56

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: O. Podgoreckaya

Reel №1

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1such. -Cadets of the Leningrad School of Military Communications named after M. V. Frunze work with telegraph machines, study theory in classes.

2such. -Children's Hospital in Saratov: a nurse with a child, a doctor examines patients, children on UHF, sleep, play, at the aquarium.

3such. -The teacher of the culinary school teaches students to cook cutlets.

4such. -Swimmers train in a new swimming pool in Kiev.

5such. -Residents of the village of Korkino, Chelyabinsk region, glue the windows of houses before industrial explosions during coal mining.

6The participants of the bike ride around the borders of the Soviet Union: ride down the street of the city; enter the stadium, stand with bouquets of flowers.

7such. -Football match at the Stalinets stadium (Moscow): football players take out banners on the field, spectators in the stands, fragments of the game, the flag of the Dynamo society.