Berlin Conference. (1945)

Film-document №103327 5 parts, Duration: 0:06:17 to collection Price category G
  • Parts
  • 2
Title image

Part 2 digitized in HD 0:06:17

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kopalin I., Gerasimov S.

Operators: B. Makaseev, A. Lebedev, A. Krichevskij, I. Belyakov, V. Mass, L. Mazruho, R. Halushakov, V. Dobronickij

Reel №1

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Meeting at the Berlin airport of the President of the United States G. Truman and British Prime Minister W. Churchill, among those present: General Montgomery, A. Y. Vyshinsky, A. A. Gromyko, U.S. Ambassador to the USSR Harriman, British Foreign Minister A. Eden, etc.

Cars with arrivals on the way to Babelsberg.

Key words

The end of World War II



Reel №3

Reel №4

Reel №5