Return to Novorossiysk. (1979)

Film-document №103635 2 parts, Duration: 0:18:36 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:07

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Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Eternal flame.

Chronicle of D. Shostakovich in Novorossiysk.

K.Simonov at the eternal flame (photo).

Grave of Ts .


C.Kunikov (photo).

Group photo of paratroopers.

B.Galanov is a front-line writer (photo).

Novorossiysk port.

B.Galanov (synchronously) about Ts.


Malaya Zemlya.

A.V. Raikunov with his grandchildren at the site of the fighting.

Photos of the war years.

Raikunov with his grandchildren on a decommissioned combat boat.

A.V. Raikunov (synchronously) tells his grandchildren about the fight.

The embankment in Novorossiysk.

D.S. Koveshnikov (synchronously).

The building where the command post was located.

People on the embankment.


Koveshnikov D.S. - voenachaljnik, general-lejtenant, Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza.
Rajkunov A.V. - Geroj Sovetskogo Soyuza. Kapitan 3-go ranga. Pochyotnij zhitelj goroda Novorossijska.
Shostakovich D.S. -kompozitor.
Galanov(Galanter) B.E. - literaturoved, reportyor. Chlen Soyuza pisatelej SSSR, Soyuza pisatelej Moskvi, Soyuza zhurnalistov, Soyuza kinematografistov. Proizvedeniya publikoval pod familiej Galanov


Krasnodar region



Reel №2

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A group of sailors on the embankment.

B.Galanov (synchronously) about the feat of Viktor Chalenko.

Photo by V. Chalenko.

Chalenko's house in Yeysk.

Photo of V. Chalenko's mother.

Memorial plaque on the house. where V. Chalenko lived.

The solemn line of pioneers at the memorial.

D.Koveshnikov (synchronously) about the Poet P. Kogan.

Photo by P. Kogan.

Sugar Loaf Mountain.

Photos of the war years.

Grave of P. Kogan.

A sailboat at sea.

The sailboat "Comrade" on the pier.

D.Koveshnikov, A.Raikunov with grandchildren on a boat.

D. Koveshinkov (synchronously) remembers.

A.Raikunov (synchronously).


A.raikunov (synchronously).

Novorossiysk railway station.

V.N.Kaida stands on the embankment.

Photos of the war years with L. Brezhnev.

B.Galanov (synchronously).

Eternal Flame in Novorossiysk.

Memorial to the fallen on the land of Novorossiysk.

Photos of the defenders of Novorossiysk who fell in battle.

Photos of the war years.

View of Novorossiysk from the top point.


Kajda V.N. -moryak-chernomorec, Geroj Maloj Zemli, pochyotnij grazhdanin g. Druzhkovka. Uchastnik visadki desanta na Maluyu zemlyu pod komandovaniem Cezarya Kunikova. Nagrazhdyon ordenom Otechestvennoj vojni I stepeni i dvumya ordenami Krasnoj Zvezdi.


Krasnodar region

