Soyuzkinozhurnal 1936 № 24

Film-document №103704 1 part, Duration: 0:09:31 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:32

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Varlamov L.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1such. -Tourists listen to the guide, inspect the exhibits of the Lenin Museum.

2such. -Cadets of the Leningrad Military Engineering School at military field exercises train in guiding a river crossing.

3such. - III International Chess tournament at the House of Unions in Moscow: visitors climb the stairs, grandmasters Kan, Ryumin, Levinfish, Ragozin, Elikazes (Austria), A. Limental, M. M. Botvinnik, R. Capablanca, S. Flor.

4such. - Test pilot V. Shevchenko gets on a plane before flying into the stratosphere.

5such. - The steamship Katayama is loaded with timber in the port of Odessa.

6such. -Sheep farmers of the state farm.

Ikramova (Uzbekistan) sort the doodle.

7such. - Kirovets tractors are coming off the assembly line of the Leningrad Plant.


8such. -During the flood in Gorky: residents of the city float on boats through the streets.

9such. -Participants of the athletics relay race on the streets of Moscow, among the participants are the Znamensky brothers, Denisov, Puzhny.

Key words

Museums. Professional education. Chess. Championships. Air transport. Sea transport. Sheep breeding. Production of tractors. Natural disasters. Athletics.