Soviet Sport 1962 № 7

Film-document №11197 1 part, Duration: 0:10:12, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:10:12

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kulagina K.

Operators: Artseulov O., Generalov N., Gutman I., Zemcov G., Levitan A., Lezerson V., Mukhin E., Rymarev D., Serov V., Solovev N., Tsitron V.

Temporary description

Different moments performances of gymnasts at the world championships in gymnastics at the Sports Palace in Prague, the winners of the championship Soviet athletes LS Latynina and Yu.E. Titov perform exercises during the tournament championship. Participants racetrack in Tula, on the 250 th anniversary of the Tula arms factory ride bikes of various models. The winner of the tournament contenders for the title of world chess champion, Grandmaster T. Petrosian gives an interview after returning to Moscow (sinhr.). Sports festival on the farm Kalinin Odessa Region UKRAINE: farmers compete in running, jumping, wrestling, chess competition points, awarding the winners of the competition. Type of tent camp participants in the international motocross "Friendship" in the park Shmerli in Riga. Moments competition participants motocross, awarding of motorcyclists - the winners of the competition. Type of tourist camps in Transcarpathia. Tourists come to hike, visiting the mountain lake, crossing a river in the mountains, fish, cooked fish soup on the fire. Different moments of the game in between the rugby teams of the Moscow "Spartak" and "Khimki".

Reel №1

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