Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1976 № 24

Film-document №13068 1 part, Duration: 0:09:45, Black-white to collection Price category A
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Part 1 0:09:55

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Opryshko A.

Operators: Kasatkin P., Krylov A., Popova M., Golubov G., Goncharov L., Golubev U., Shishkina M., Epifanov G., Kulidzhanov A., Grezin V., Filatov I., Shironin K., Luchinin O., Zakharova G.


Different subjects.

Temporary description

1syuzh. - 6-th Congress of Soviet Writers in the Kremlin. Report G. Markov. 2syuzh. - Negotiations between the USSR and the King of Jordan H. Ben thawed in the Kremlin. 3syuzh. - Work Lebidinskogo ore processing plant. 4syuzh. - Presentation of the Order of Lenin KI Shulzhenko. 5syuzh. - Working farm "Belaya Dacha in Moscow. 6syuzh. - European Championship triathlon (sambo, wrestling, etc.) in Leningrad.

Reel №1

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1.6-Second Congress of Soviet Writers in the Kremlin.

Report G. Markov.

2. Negotiations between the USSR and the King of Jordan H. Ben Talal in the Kremlin.

3. Job Lebedinsk ore processing plant.

4. Awarding the Order of Lenin KI Shulzhenko.

5. Working farm "Belaya Dacha in Moscow.

6. European Championship triathlon (sambo, wrestling and Greco-Roman wrestling) in Leningrad.

7. Days of Culture of Latvia in the RSFSR.