№ 199 Air assistants. (1960 - 1969)

Film-document №20313 1 part, Duration: 0:05:47, Black-white to collection Price category C
  • Parts
  • 1
Title image

Part 1 0:05:47

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Needs clarification of possibility of digitizing in HD.

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Director: Terpilin E.

Operators: Trishin R.


The film is about the use of Ka-15 in agriculture

Reel №1

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Ka-15 helicopters at the airfield, the pilots sit in the cab helicopters taking off, flying over the mountainous terrain, landing.

Refills helicopters chemicals.

Helicopter K-15 sprays, pollinating, smokes the field.

Aerosol generator, the system of sprayers and pollinators in a helicopter.