The Tehran Conference. (1943)

Film-document №22066 2 footages, Duration: 0:02:15 to collection Price category B
  • Footages
  • 1
  • 2
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Scene 1 0:02:04

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Scene №1 The Tehran Conference

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On the porch of the building of the Soviet Embassy in Tehran sit Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill.

Sit Stalin and Roosevelt.

Smiling Roosevelt, Churchill's view.

Photo: Roosevelt is considering an album of stamps, Roosevelt and Churchill in the car.

The brand with the image of the pilot Levanevsky.

Picture: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at the Teheran Conference.

Photo: Churchill and Roosevelt in the car.

The building of the Soviet Embassy in Tehran.


Ruzveljt F.
Stalin I.V.
Cherchillj U.




Iran, Tehran

Foreign policy; World War II
Policy; History

Scene №2 The Tehran Conference

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photo: Are the Stalin and Churchill




Iran, Tehran

Foreign policy; World War II
Policy; History