Practical shooting missiles R-29 submarine. (1973)

Film-document №22495 1 footage, Duration: 0:05:40 to collection Price category --
  • Footages
  • 1
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Scene 1 0:05:41

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Scene №1 Practical shooting missiles R-29 submarine

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Submarine 667-B into the sea.

Warship at sea.

Rotates locator on the ship.

The crew at the instruments.

Submarine in the sea.

Submariners have devices; operate radio operators.

Fasting controls the submarine, experts at the instruments.

Instruments of the complex missile-different plans.

Of water flying ballistic missile R-29; rocket in the air.

Sea - from a periscope.

Rises the submarine.

Submarine and warship at sea.

Confer on the deck the sailors.

Of water flying rocket.

Submarine in the sea.


Key words

Ballistic missiles



Defense and internal security