Soviet Ural Mountains 1954 № 32

Film-document №2719 1 part, Duration: 0:09:26 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:27

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: V.Borisov

Operators: A.Baranov, O.Voroncov, K.Duplenskij,B.Zhilin, I.Kosmicin, I.Kolsanov, E.Miljkov, E.Sokolov, P.Shlikov

Text writers: S.Belyaev


GREAT HOLIDAY OCTOBER. Urals to the labor watch. Views of the city. Performance artists. Ball. Women are going to the party. Parade Square in 1905. Demonstration.

Reel №1

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Most of the log is silent

Sverdlovsk street, decorated with flags.

Portraits of Lenin and Stalin on one of the houses.

The workshop of the plant.

Ready-made tractors .

Metallurgical plant.

Trolleys with rock in the mine.

Cars with grain go to the elevator.

A car with the inscription "Clothes"drove up to the department store.

A confectionery factory.

Packaging of sweets.

Night city with illumination.

A dance group in folk costumes performs on the stage.

Ukrainian folk dance.

Dance evening in the large foyer.

The girls in the hostel are preparing for the holiday, ironing dresses.

Demonstration of workers.

The military at the festive parade.

The commander-in-chief is on a horse.

Soldiers greet the commander of the parade.

The drummers are passing through the parade formation.

Pass officers =participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Military parade.

Military equipment passes by.

A popular demonstration.

Demonstration in the Kurgan.

Demonstration in Chelyabinsk.

Demonstration in the city of Molotov.





November 7; Holidays; Social life; Sectors of the economy