Journey Into Science.. (1984)

Film-document №294 2 parts, Duration: 0:17:38 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:07

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Producer Novosibirsk newsreel studio

Director: Morozov

Script writers: Barkhatova

Operators: Trifonov

Composers: Kazachishin


The film tells about educating future specialists at the Novosibirsk university.

Science | Youth

Social life

Reel №1

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Student audience, young people applauding and smiling.

This ad is hanging large "Day of mathematics."

At the table at the blackboard audience sit teachers.

One of them speaks into the microphone, joke joke answers the question.

The audience of students: applaud, having fun.

VN Enemies, vice-rector of Moscow State University.

In the class room at the table with a samovar teachers sitting, immediately write the formula on the board, discuss.

At the head of the table sits Academician Mikhail Lavrentiev.

Photos of the founder and first President of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Mikhail Alekseevich Lavrentiev.

Students at a lecture in the auditorium.

At the blackboard with formulas Academician Valentin A. Koptiug.

After the lecture, the students out of the classroom.

Interview VA Koptyuga of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

The building of the Novosibirsk State University, a memorial plaque on the wall.

PNRM. on the wall paintings in the form of bas-relief.

Students in the hallway, chatting, man fiddles with a puzzle in the form of the globe.

Occupation in the form of a business game, the students in the role of ministers to discuss problems of the economy.

Students sit at computers.

Students on the stairs of the institute.

Stained glass with portraits of the world's scientists.

The meeting was a large round table, sitting drinking tea from a cup, discuss problems of mutual relations of students and teachers.

Physical Laboratory, instruments, students participate in the work of scientists.

Seminar: teacher at the blackboard, students listen to him at the tables.

Devices in the laboratory of Thermophysics.

Interview rector of Novosibirsk State University VE Nakoryakova on training for science.

The view from the open window on the pine tree near the house.

Key words






Reel №2

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PNRM. from the forest to the building of the Novosibirsk University.

In the chemical laboratory staff at work.

Interview academician DG Knorre on the application of chemistry to biology and training students in biology.

Experiments in the laboratory.

Laboratory for growing artificial crystals.

Talk teachers at the round table.

Speech by Professor VA Solovyov focus on students at the opening.

DD Ryutov says about honesty in science.

Are disclosed old books with engravings.

Close-up: hands open an old book.

Repository of ancient manuscripts and old books.

Store employee conducts classes with students.

Hall data center storage media in the form of magnetic disks.

VI Nifontov says the interest in the research process.

Students work on computers.

Simulating chemical processes on the monitor screen.

Forest, sunbeam.

Water views and sunset.

Weak surf.

Area packed with people - the view from the top point.

A meeting of solidarity with the progressive forces of the world.

A foreigner in microphone recites slogans about victory to the accompaniment of musicians on the folk instruments.

People chanting slogans in Spanish.

Students are chanting: "We are invincible when we are united!" and singing with a guitar.

Large bonfire in the square behind the crowd.

