Soviet Ural Mountains 1970 № 25

Film-document №3128 1 part, Duration: 0:09:55 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:55

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Sverdlovsk regional youth newspaper "to replace" - 50 years, city Sverdlovsk In pastures Atabaevskoy dairy farm them. Lenin, Udmurt ASSR On the pipeline Kiegopskoe field - kama, Udmurt ASSR The opera "Malchish-Kibalchish" K.Katsmana the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet, the Perm According to the gallery, which opened in Tchaikovsky, Perm region On the USSR Cup in boxing, Mr. Ufa

Reel №1

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The theme is the 50th anniversary of the Sverdlovsk regional youth newspaper "replaced".


The anniversary evening.

Meeting of the chief editor.

The editorial staff at work.


State farm named after Lenin.

Cows grazing, farm.

Milking cows.


Construction of the pipeline.

Pipelaying works.

Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Spectators in the courtroom.

Detail of the Opera "-Malchish Kibalchish" on product A. Gaidar, composer Clara Katzman (synchronously).

[City Tchaikovsky.

Perm region].

Art Gallery.

Collector A. Zhigalko, who gave the city its collection of paintings and drawings, talking with visitors gallery.

Paintings from the Collection Zhigalko.


Cup Tournament country boxing.

Key words

Painting. Museums. Collecting. Sports. Periodical Press. Livestock. Pipeline transportation.