Operation "Helium". Film 5. "Why does the sun shines". (1993)

Film-document №33956 2 films, Duration: 0:17:36 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:03

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Director: S.Rajtburt, Raytburt C.

Script writers: Semen Rajtburt

Operators: E.Ueckij

Other authors: Zvukooperator A.Romanov, redaktor N.Kaspe, direktor kartini L.Demeschenko, v filjme snimalsya H.Braun-Vallenberg


Research on nuclear fusion. (Motion picture covers the period from the appearance in 1928 of the merger hypothesis of helium nuclei of hydrogen as a source of stellar energy to modern research into controlled thermonuclear fusion in Russia and England.)



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The film "Why the sun shines?" - Fifth, the final film of the series "Operation" Helium "covers the period of 1928 to merge hydrogen g.gipotezy helium nuclei as a source of stellar energy to modern research into controlled thermonuclear fusion in Russia (Institute of Atomic Energy.

Kurchatov) and the UK (Joint European fusion reactor).

Part 1.


Sunset over the horizon.

The sun goes behind a cloud.

Germany, the


Street fountain in the square with a statue of "The Girl with the goose," the university building.

Austrian physicist F.Houtermans recalls scientific activities in the University of Gottingen to study thermonuclear reactions inside the sun in the late 1940s yy (Sinhr.

German lang.).

Newsreels: prominences on the sun, the explosion of the hydrogen bomb (1952-1953 years), a torchlight procession fascists, Nazis burn books on fire, burning buildings, German technology, among which a rocket launcher on the street was occupied

Kharkov (1941), transport and urban residents in the streets of Berlin military.

2nd part.

Starry sky.

Photos of theoretical physicists Andrei Sakharov, LA Artsimovich, M.A.Leontovicha.

Sakharov and Tamm books.

Pilot plant layout "Tokamak".

The "Tokamak" in the physical laboratory of the Institute of Atomic Energy.


Physicist, academician of the USSR BB Kadomtsev group of scientists.


Aerial view of buildings in physical laboratories Kalheme near the city


European thermonuclear installation "Jet", which in the course of the experiment was achieved power thermonuclear reaction about two million watts.

International Congress of physicists from 12 countries in Europe, Russia, the USA and Japan.

Scientists in the courtroom.

Among those present - a theoretical physicist, academician EPVelikhov.

Signing of representatives of the countries members of Congress agreement on joint construction of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.

Academician EPVelikhov Signs Agreement.

Newsreels: Moscow Kremlin, the building of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, a theoretical physicist, academician of the USSR Andrei Sakharov at the blackboard with the calculations, a theoretical physicist, USSR Academy of Sciences in Tamm's office at work, the Institute of Atomic Energy.

Kurchatov in the lab at work, interviews theoretical physicist, academician LA Artsimovich problem fusion (sinhr.).

Key words

Landscapes. Physics, engineering physics. Cities, towns. The Second World War. Socio-political organizations and parties. Architecture. Vocational education. Scientific communications.

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Movie №5 Operation "Helium". Film 5. "Why does the sun shines"

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Research on fusion research.


