Competition. (1973)

Film-document №35739 6 parts, Duration: 0:56:01 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:10:08

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Director: Aljdohin Yu.

Script writers: Aljdohin Yu.

Operators: Kuznecov I., Ueckij E., Chumakov G.

Text writers: Kartasheva I., Kolichev Yu.


The film of the Second International Ballet Competition, held in June 1973 in Moscow.

Ballet | Persons of arts

Culture and Arts | Biography

Reel №1 Competition

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Yu.N.Grigorovich appeals to the jury of the II International Ballet Competition.

Draw. E.A.Furtseva addresses the competition.

Artists backstage during performances.

The jury evaluates and discusses first round.


Plisetskaya MM - Ballet dancer, emeritus professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University, choreographer, teacher, author of the memoir, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
Blanco BV - Dancer, choreographer, teacher, academician of Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts, Professor of the Academy of Russian Literature and Fine Arts named after Derzhavin, Honoured Artist of the RSFSR.
MS Drozdov - Ballet dancer, ballet teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Tedeev VS - Ballet dancer, teacher, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Pavlova NV - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
VM Gordeev - Ballet dancer, ballet master and choreographer, theater director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Smorgacheva LI - Ballet dancer, People's Artist of the USSR, a teacher-tutor for the National Opera of Ukraine.
Godunov AB - Soviet and American ballet dancer, actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
Tayakina TA - Actress dancer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the USSR.
Kovtun VP - Ukrainian ballet dancer, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, People's Artist of the USSR.
Chenchikova OI - Ballet dancer, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Anisimov VV - Ballet dancer, ballet teacher, head of the department of classical and duet dance the Moscow State Academy of Choreography, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.
Furtseva EA - State and party leader, Minister of Culture of the USSR.
YN Grigorovich - Dancer, choreographer, choreographer, teacher, professor, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
A. Alonso - Cuban ballerina and choreographer, teacher and founder of the National Ballet of Cuba, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.





Reel №2

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The jury evaluates and discusses first round.

Blooming lilacs.

Views of Moscow.

The Bolshoi Theatre.

Posters at the entrance to the theater.

At the entrance crowded with people.

Artists get off the bus.

View of the main entrance to the theater.

Jury members are on-site.

Musicians tune the instrument.

Bottom view balconies.

The lights go out. P.Shaufus performs a solo from the ballet Stravinsky "Apollo."

L.I.Smorgacheva A.B.Godunov and behind the scenes. L.I.Smorgacheva A.B.Godunov and perform the Adagio from the ballet A.I.Hachaturyana "Spartacus."

The artists behind the scenes. S.Arvola and L.Ahonen, "postal codes for two."

Canadian actor F.Ogastin. F.Ogastin, "Wolf."

On stage, a ballerina K.Keyn.


GS Ulanova - Dancer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Ahonen LO - Lead singer of the Finnish National Ballet, choreographer.
Kane K - artist troupes and artistic director of the National Ballet of Canada, honorary doctor of several universities.
YN Grigorovich
Smorgacheva LI
Godunov AB





Reel №3

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Cuban artists and A.B.Gonsales A.U.Diigo, "rhythmic dance."

The artists behind the scenes.

Members of the jury. N.V.Pavlova and VM Gordeev, "Blue Dali".

The artists behind the scenes.

Alternation: Jury discussion and voting, excerpts of performances. K.Keyn F.Ogastin and in rehearsal.


Pavlova NV
VM Gordeev
GS Ulanova
YN Grigorovich
A. Alonso
Kane K.





Reel №4

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K.Keyn backstage.

Speech K.Keyn and F.Ogastina.

Members of the jury. M.Rou and K.Kou performing a pas de deux from Zh.

Dobervalya "Vain Precaution".

The artists behind the scenes.

Lights chandelier.

Contestants grimiruyutsya and ready for action in the third round. M.S.Drozdova and V.S.Tedeev performing a pas de deux from Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake."

Ballerina putting on pointe behind the scenes.

Tells A.Alonso. A.Alonso with students at the rehearsal. A.B.Gonsales and A.U.Diigo performing a pas de deux from A.L.Minkusa "La Bayadere".

A doctor massages the legs of a ballerina.


Kane K.
YN Grigorovich
Pavlova NV
Chenchikova OI
MS Drozdov
Tedeev VS
A. Alonso





Reel №5

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V.S.Tedeev backstage.

On stage M.S.Drozdova. A.B.Godunov goes on stage. A.B.Godunov L.I.Smorgacheva and perform an excerpt from the ballet A.L.Minkusa "Don Quixote."

The artists behind the scenes. O.I.Chenchikova ready for action. O.I.Chenchikova perform variations from the ballet of Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty".

Members of the jury.

N.V.Pavlova and VM Gordeev performing a fragment of Tchaikovsky ballet "The Nutcracker".

Talk to the jury.


YN Grigorovich
A. Alonso
Plisetskaya MM
MS Drozdov
Tedeev VS
Chenchikova OI
Smorgacheva LI
Godunov AB
Pavlova NV
VM Gordeev





Reel №6

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The voting of the jury.

VM Gordeev N.V.Pavlova and perform final adagio Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker".

VM Gordeev N.V.Pavlova and behind the scenes.

Artists on the bow.

Contestants and judges at the gala banquet.

Views of Moscow.

Awarding N.V.Pavlovoy.

Dissolve: The results of the contest on the background of dancing artists.


YN Grigorovich
Pavlova NV
VM Gordeev
Godunov AB
Plisetskaya MM



