Soviet Ural Mountains 1984 № 4

Film-document №3748 1 part, Duration: 0:09:56 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:56

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: A.Stremyakov

Operators: A.Batrak, V.Monastirskij, V.Litvishko

Text writers: A.Rozin


Harmonium. Sverdlovsk. Portrait V.Darovskogo surviving the siege of Leningrad. 2. Children's home. Sverdlovsk. Portrait educator reception center M.A.Ahmanaevoy. CHX. 3. Songs on poems L.Tumanovoy. Mound.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

1. Concert posters.

V. Darovsky at the organ.

Photos of Darvosky and his mother.

Metallurgical plant.

Darovsky at the harmonium (photo).

Sheet music of Bach's work.

V. Darovsky and the harmonium restored by him.

V. Darovsky plays an instrument.(synchronously).

A group of teenagers sitting on a bench in the yard.

2. The faces of teenagers.

A personal file lying on the table.

A teenager is talking to a juvenile affairs inspector.

M.Akhmanaeva with her pupils.

M.Akhmanaeva (synchronously) about her students.

Old photos of children in the orphanage.

Photo of a young M.Akhmanaeva.

Teenagers are sawing wood on the street, sweeping the path.

M.Akhmanaeva (synchronously)from a meeting with a former pupil.

3. The girl plays the guitar and sings.

E.Kamburova visiting L.Tumanova.

L. Tumanova (sings, synchronously).

Photos by L.Tumanova.


Kamburova E.A.- pevica, aktrisa





Culture and Arts; Music; Musicians; Childhood and youth; Ministry of Internal Affairs
Persons of arts; Biography; Social life; Defense and internal security