Children of galaxy. (1986)

Film-document №38807 7 parts, Duration: 1:05:46 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:44

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

3 5 4 7 6 1 2

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Director: Gerasimov A.

Script writers: Kapitanovskij V.


The film is about the contribution of Russian scientists in the development of astronautics, rocketry.

Conquest of Space | Science


Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Showpiece of the spacecraft on the river bank near the observatory.

People on the street.

KE Tsiolkovsky's portrait Newsreel 1920: The farmers plow the land and seeded.

The farmer carries on its back an armful of hay.

Rural rally.

Those peasants.

The speaker at the rally proves his point.

Face farmer.

Farmers speak at the rally, arguing with each other.

People listen to the speakers.

Kind of water mill.

Water pours water mill wheel.

Farmer speaks at a rally.

Those peasants.

The peasant family in the house.

Rustic hut.

Photo Tsiolkovsky among scientists.

Moon in the sky.

View of the port of Odessa at night.

Types of Primorsky Boulevard in Odessa at night.

Types of night streets of Odessa.

Photo Queen SP at the age of 14 years.

Detail of the statue.

Photo Glushko V. in his youth.

Moon in the sky.

Monument to Duke de Richelieu in Odessa.

Entrance to the building in Odessa, which housed the observatory.

The stairs leading up.

Telescope Observatory.

Photos of the planets of the solar system.

Turns telescope.

The images of the planets.


Photo Glushko.

Street near Kaluga.

Type of house Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.

Tsiolkovsky home interiors, stairs leading to the studio-laboratory.

Photo Tsiolkovsky.

Start spacecraft.

Newsreel 1920: the conductor of a military band.

Demonstration in support of the construction of the air fleet, the people are the layout of the aircraft.

Model airplanes are the model airplane to run.

Dancers in flight helmets.

Artists show on the stage shape of the aircraft.

Photo of people looking through a telescope.

Photo assembly workers aircraft factory.

Photo Zander FA Engineer Photo assembly workers.

Poster, announcing the lecture on the topic Zander missions to Mars.

Photo of people listening to a lecturer.

Images from x / film "Aelita".

Mock spaceship design Zander, Zander portrait.







Agriculture; Air transport; Rallies; Demonstrations
Sectors of the economy; Transportation; Aviation; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life

Reel №2

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Exhibits on the history of space in the museum.

The staging of the first international exhibition of interplanetary spacecraft and mechanisms in Moscow in the 1920s.

Visitors to the exhibition halls.


Customers visiting the exhibits of the exhibition.

Portrait of VV Mayakovsky Sheets "Books distant interplanetary voyages."

Entries in the visitors book.

People see the exhibition in the halls of the exhibition.

Portrait of Austrian engineer rocketry Valle M. Figures spaceship.

Pictures in the Valley laboratory during experiments.

Portrait of Valle.

Dramatization: Visitors to the exhibition halls.

Cover and pages of a book by Professor NA Rynin of interplanetary communications.

Portrait Rynin.

Portrait of Professor VP Vetchinkina Portrait inventor Kondratyuk Y. Resolution on Article Vetchinkina Kondratyuka.

Photos Kondratyuk.

Newsreel 1969: landing of American astronauts on the moon.

Astronaut walking on the lunar surface.

Installation of the American flag on the lunar surface.

Shoes astronauts footprints on the lunar surface.

Photos Kondratyuk.

View of the Palace Square in Leningrad.

Quadriga above the arch of the General Staff.

Portrait of N. Ilyina Panorama of the General Staff Building on Palace Square.

The entrance of the building.

Portrait of a rocket engineer Tikhomirov.

Portrait of engineer-designer VP Glushko Panorama of the Palace Square.

Start spacecraft.

Types of Peter and Paul Fortress.

Machines in the room where the Gas Dynamics Laboratory.

Processing of metal plumbing tools.

The interior of the working cabinet Tukhachevsky MN

Samples of fluid motors in section.

Panorama of the outer wall of the Gas Dynamics Laboratory.

Photos Tukhachevsky.

General view of the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Portrait of Glushko.

Portrait of Tukhachevsky.

The spire of the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

The interior of a living room with a table covered with tea.

Photo of the Group for the Study of Jet Propulsion (GIRD).

Newspaper advertisement sheet of the rental of premises.

Portrait of Queen SP Moscow's plan.




Reel №3

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Newsreel 1932: traffic cop at the intersection of Moscow.

Cars and cabs passing through the intersection.

The traffic controller on Nikolskaya Street.

Red Gate Square.

View a Moscow street.

A pointer to the wall of the house: "Garden Spassky, 15".

The staircase leading to the basement.

The corridor in the basement.

Portrait of Queen SP on the door.

View the basement, where he began work on the study group's Jet Propulsion (GIRD).

Photos GIRD employees on the walls of the basement.

Lights blowtorch.

Photos GIRD employees on the walls of the basement.

The corridor in the basement.

Stair treads.

Spaceship takes off.

The wall of the building with the window open.

Staging interior cabinet Tukhachevsky.

The certificate in the name of the engineer Peter and Paul.

Identity division commander Ilyin.

Certificates Langemak and Glushko.

WITNESS Queen Zander Tikhonravov, Pobedonostsev.

Portrait of Tukhachevsky.

Conference table in the office of Tukhachevsky.

Portrait of Tukhachevsky.

Portrait of Peter and Paul.

Portrait of the Queen.

Portrait of Zander.

Portrait of Tukhachevsky.

Panorama of the basement, where there was a lab GIRD, employees GIRD photos on the walls of the basement.

Photo Queen and Zander among employees GIRD. Photo Zander.

Wheels train.

Photo Zander with his wife and children.

Newsreel of 1920-1930: missile test samples abroad.

The rocket at the start.

The missile in flight.

Failed rocket launch and accident.

Bad start jet aircraft in Germany.

Railway trolley with a jet engine begins to run on the tracks.

The collapse of the truck and the explosion of the engine.

Preparation for the test knapsack jet engine.

The engine comes on the back of the tester.

People extinguish burning engine with snow.

The second test is unsuccessful, a man on skates with a knapsack engine falls on the ice.

Wall newspaper released GIRD members.

Photo GIRD members and prototype rocket.

Photo tests missiles GIRD August 7, 1933.

Newsreel 1933: preparation rocket GIRD a test flight.

The launch.

Photo GIRD members.

Game footage from x / movie "The Taming of the Fire": missile test.

Photo GIRD members about the rocket.

View of the building, which in 1933 was placed Jet Research Institute.

Portrait of a director of the Institute Kleimenova IT Portrait of a chief engineer of the Institute Langemak GE Photo of the building of the institute.

Images from x / movie "Space flight": a flight to the moon.


1920s 1930s 1932 1933


Western Europe



Moscow; Air transport; Traction; Transportation
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Sectors of the economy; Aviation

Reel №4

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View of the house Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.

Photo Tsiolkovsky with the auditory tube.

View Cabinet Tsiolkovsky.

It's raining.

Photos and Kleimenova Tsiolkovsky.

View lady Tsiolkovsky.

Photos and Kleimenova Tsiolkovsky.

It's raining.

Home interiors Tsiolkovsky, his portrait.

View from the house Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga.

Newsreel September 1935: the coffin is carried through the streets of Tsiolkovsky Kaluga.

The funeral procession on the streets of Kaluga.

The funeral procession on Lenin Square in Kaluga.

Pass the military.

The truck with the coffin enters the gates of the cemetery, at the tomb is the guard of honor of the military pilots.

Tsiolkovsky his desk.

Those people at the funeral of Tsiolkovsky.

Tsiolkovsky speaking before a microphone.

People in the cemetery during the funeral of Kaluga Tsiolkovsky.

Tsiolkovsky's coffin carried to the grave.

People's faces.

Tsiolkovsky talks with the engineers.

Tsiolkovsky in his grave.

Wife Tsiolkovsky.

Tsiolkovsky at the table with your family.

Tsiolkovsky in his grave.

Tsiolkovsky said, gesturing.

The disc of the moon in the sky.

Newsreel, 1936: Cars drive through the Red Square in Moscow.

Tukhachevsky MN of the floor during the meeting in the Kremlin (synchronously).

The people in the hall applauded Tukhachevsky.

NS Khrushchev applauds, sitting in the hall.

Petrovsky GI, IV Stalin, Musabekov GM, KE Voroshilov the presidium meeting.

Tukhachevskiy of the floor.

Battery Soviet rocket launchers firing at the enemy in the 1943-1944 year.

Leaders of the Party and the State on the podium during the aviaparada in Tushino in 1946 (above).

People applauded.

Aircraft in the sky build the word "Stalin".

NA Bulganin Stalin on the platform watching the flight of the aircraft.

Spectators watch the flight of the aircraft.

Experimental model airplane in flight.

Military pilots watching the flight of the aircraft.

Map of the area with the audience.

Flying a jet plane.

SA Lavochkin Aircraft during aviaparada in Tushino.

Jet plane performs aerobatics.

Photo Queen SP Newsreel 1944-1945 years: failed test V-2 rocket.

V-2 takes off.

The missile in flight.

German designer rocketry Wernher von Braun surrenders to the Americans.

Face von Braun.

Von Braun talks with the Americans.

Photo Queen SP Photo VP Glushko Photo Queen.

View of the corridor of the building.

Photos of Queen and his colleagues during the missile tests.

Start combat intercontinental missile.

The interiors of the working cabinet Queen.

Brochures and books written by Korolev.

On the wall hangs a picture with Queen IV Kurchatov and MV Keldysh


Tsiolkovsky Tsiolkovsky - mathematician, inventor
Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolayevich - commander
Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin - statesman and political figure
Nikita Khrushchev - statesman and political figure
Grigory Petrovsky - statesman and political figure
Musabekov Ghazanfar Mahmudovich - statesman and political figure
Kliment Voroshilov - statesman and political leader, military leader
Nikolai Bulganin - statesman and political figure
Semyon Lavochkin - aircraft
Werner von Braun - German designer rocketry


09.1935 1943-1945 1946


Kaluga region



Figures of science; Political figures; Air force; Space troops and air defense
Biography; Science; Policy; Army; Defense and internal security; Aviation

Reel №5

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The interior of the room with a fireplace.

Portrait Deputy Queen testing Resurrection LA Type of holiday home.

Newsreel 1957: Head of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth at the command post of the periscope gives commands.

Operators at the control panel at the command post.

Korolev headphones listening team.

Start booster.

The missile in flight.

Satellite in orbit.

Photo Queen SP and Resurrection LA Photo Resurrection.

The staircase inside the building, leading to the top.

Portrait of a designer of rocket engines Kosberg C.

Portrait of a designer of rocket engines Isaev AM Space station flight.

Portrait of designer satellite Yangelya MK Portrait of designer spacecraft GN Babakina

The spacecraft in flight.

Portraits of designers Pilyugina NA Chelomeya VN The spacecraft in flight.

Newsreel 1957: Muscovites welcome guests of the International Festival of Youth and Students in the streets.

Festival guests traveling in trucks and respond to greetings.

People waving from the balconies and windows of the houses.

Festival guests traveling through the streets of Moscow.

People on the streets welcomed the guests, shaking hands with them.

Foreign musicians give a concert on the open stage.

Those viewers.

Musicians perform on stage.

People on Mayakovsky Square listening to the poets (synchronous sound poetry).

Mayakovsky monument in Moscow.

People stand on the square.

People's faces.

The poets read poetry in the auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum.

People listen to poetry.

Okudzhava B.Sh. performs the song.

Staff Design Bureau at work.

Newsreel 1960-1961 years: Korolev Yuri Gagarin talks with Akademik Keldysh at a board explains drawn by the circuit.

Korolev sign documents.

Start spacecraft.

Face Keldysh.

Keldysh speaks with the queen.


Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - Designer of rocket and space technology
Mstislav Keldysh - mathematician
Bulat Okudzhava Shalvovich - poet
Yuri A. Gagarin - cosmonaut


1957 1960-1961





Figures of science; Persons of arts; Space; Festivals of Youth and Students; Launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.
Biography; Science; Culture and Arts; Youth; Social life; Conquest of Space

Reel №6

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Portrait of Yuri Gagarin on the wall.

Newsreel, 1961: Yuri Gagarin in space suit before flight.

Korolev bypasses the spacecraft before the launch.

Gagarin on board the spacecraft "Vostok".

Gagarin's face on monitors in the Mission Control Center.

Start the spacecraft "Vostok".

Gagarin flight.

Kind of the Earth from space.

Gagarin and aboard.

Gagarin's face on the screen.

View of Earth from space.

Game footage exit rights in outer space.

Newsreel, 1961: People on the streets of Moscow are rejoicing after the announcement of manned space flight.

The solemn procession through the Manezh Square and Gorky Street.

People's faces.

Festive manifestation on Red Square in honor of Gagarin's flight into space.

Gagarin after the flight on the phone.

Photos Gagarin a few hours after landing.

Newsreel April 1961: Military Band marching on the airfield.

People are standing on the airfield tower.

Gagarin down the plane and go on the red carpet.

Cosmonaut Titov GS down the ramp after space flight.

Astronauts Nikolaev AG Popovic and PR descend on the plane.

Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova VV down the ramp and goes on carpet.

Cosmonauts Feoktistov KP, VM Komarov, Yegorov BB descend on the plane.

People welcome the astronauts.

Astronauts are on the carpet.

NS Khrushchev greets one of the astronauts, there are a number of MA Suslov LI Brezhnev

Politburo member at the airport welcome the astronauts.

Inside view of the design bureau.

Monitor Mission Control Center.

Newsreel beginning of 1960: explosion of a rocket at the start.

Explosion missiles in flight.

The American crew to the space flight in 1967 on the ship "Apollo 1".

The crew climbs aboard.

Astronauts on board the ship.

Portrait VM Komarova

Start spacecraft.

Newsreel, 1967: VM Komarov during training.

Queens talks to Komarov.

Komarov in the bus.

Komarov with his wife.

Portraits of dead cosmonauts Dobrovolsky GT, Volkova VN, Patsaeva VI

Newsreel 1971: Cosmonauts Dobrovolsky, Volkov and Patsaev at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.


Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - Designer of rocket and space technology
Yuri A. Gagarin - cosmonaut
German Stepanovich Titov - cosmonaut
Nikolaev Andriyan - cosmonaut
Popovich Pavel Romanovich - cosmonaut
Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova - cosmonaut
Feoktistov Konstantin Petrovich - cosmonaut
Vladimir Mikhailovich Komarov - cosmonaut
Boris Yegorov - cosmonaut
Vladislav Volkov - cosmonaut
Patsaev Viktor Ivanovich - cosmonaut
Nikita Khrushchev - statesman and political figure
Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev - statesman and political figure
Mikhail Suslov - statesman and political figure


1961 1967 1971





The first manned space flight.; Heroes of Space; Political figures; Space
Conquest of Space; Biography; Policy

Reel №7

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Astronauts aboard the space station.

Newsreel, 1971: Helicopter in the sky.

People running the place touchdown lander.

The lander on the ground.

Fragments of the lander.

A member of the search team climbs inside.

Inside view of the lander.

Newsreel, 1986: US space shuttle "Challenger" at the start.

The spectators are waiting for the start.

Start "Challenger".

The shuttle flight.

Spectators watch the flight.

Shuttle explodes in the air.

People look at the disaster.

The crew of "Challenger" before the flight.

The explosion of the shuttle in the air.

Academician VP Glushko portrait Newsreel 1970: Soviet lunar rover on the lunar surface.

The landing of American astronauts to the moon in 1969.

Footage of the Martian surface.

Interplanetary station in orbit.

The image of the planet Venus.

Newsreel, 1961: operators at the controls during the flight to the space station Venus.

The operator removes the readings transmitted from the station.

Devices relieving the telemetry station.

The designer behind the drawing board.

The door opens.

View of the hall samples spacecraft.

Seashore away, along the beach is a man, sunrise, boat sails.


1961 1969 1970 1971 01.1986





Space; Man-made disasters; "Lunokhod-1" getting started.
Wars, conflicts and disasters; Conquest of Space