Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov. (2010)

Film-document №39142 1 film, Duration: 0:51:57 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:51:58

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: M. Khodzhayeva

Script writers: M. Khodzhayeva

Operators: V. Avilkin


A film about the life and work of the Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov.


Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Sunrise scenery deserts of Central Asia.

The inscription on the stone: "The Grand Duke Nicholas."

Photographic portraits of the Grand Duke.

Biographer Nicholas Romanov Golender B. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos of Nicholas Romanov as a child with his mother and father -Velikim Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich.

Portrait Portrait of Nicholas Romanov parents Portrait of Emperor Alexander II.

Photos brothers and sisters of the Grand Duke.

Photos of the Marble Palace in St.

Petersburg, Pavlovsk Palace, Strelna estate.

Photo of Grand Duke in the family, during his studies at the Academy of the General Staff.

Nicholas Romanov after graduation.

Historian Herman B. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo of Nicholas Romanov after graduation.

Between the hills is a train.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral.


Photos kinds of Athens, Rome.

Illustrations from the life guard officers.

Photo Fanny Lear.

Golender B. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Lear on the background views of Paris.

Cancan at the Moulin Rouge.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Horse-drawn carriage rides to the palace.

NK Romanov photos and Lear on the background of dancing at the ball.

Painted portrait of Catherine II. Statues and paintings from the collection of Nicholas Romanov in the Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan.

Portraits Lear and Nicholas Romanov in the newspaper, portraits parents Grand Duke.

Map of Turkestan.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: the landscape of one of the Central Asian cities.

Khiva Khan sits in the crew.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: desert landscapes.

Men dancing in front of the audience sitting around.

Faces of the audience and the dancers.

A general view of a circle with the dancers.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Game footage from x / film: Alexander II accompanies troops at the station.

Game footage of fighting Russian troops in Khiva campaign, portrait commander General Kaufman.

Paintings depicting fighting.

Game footage of hostilities.

Text of letter to NK Romanov Lear.

Fighting Russian troops, cavalry charges.

Photo of Grand Duke at the end of Khiva campaign.

Game footage of hostilities.

An entry from the diary of Grand Duke.

Photo of Nicholas Romanov

Landscapes Turkestan.

Photo of Grand Duke in the dress uniform of the Life Guards Regiment.

The text of the letter N. Romanova to Lear.

Inside view of the Orthodox church, burning candles.

Types of winter in St.


Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: a caravan of camels is included in the gate of the fortress in Khorezm.

Types quarters of Khiva.

A general view of the old town (top).

Referring to St.


Portrait of Grand Duke Constantine.

Portraits of Alexander II and Nicholas I. prints and photographs of the outer appearance and the interiors of the Marble Palace.

Portraits of Romanov N. and Lear.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Text memoirs Lear.

Game footage Imperial output in the Winter Palace.

Lear memoirs texts in various publications in Russian and English languages.

An entry in the diary of Nicholas Romanov View of the Palace Square in St.


Newsreel, 1913: on the Palace Square, passing carriages.

Horse-drawn carriage rides through the steppe road.

Postcard Orenburg.

Portrait of Nicholas Romanov during his stay in Orenburg.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Panorama of the desert.

Mazars in the desert.

Barren landscape.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

The scientific work, written by Nicholas Romanov Orenburg.

Types of Central Asian desert.

Runs a caravan of camels.

View of a portion of the Amu Darya (top).

Barren landscape.

Photos of the Grand Duke and the Emir of Bukhara.

Text of the letter of Grand Duke emir.

Inside view of the emir's palace premises in Bukhara.

View of part of Bukhara.

View of a portion of the Amu Darya (top).

Sailing boats on the river.

Types shores of the Amu Darya.

Book by Professor member of the expedition Professor Sorokin's about the journey to Central Asia.

The desert is a caravan.

Photos streets of Orenburg.

Photos of Nicholas Romanov and his wife, Von Dreyer NA The text of the Synod on the recognition of the marriage of Grand Duke illegal.

Game footage: Emperor Alexander II receives the report of the Winter Palace.

Photo NK Romanov and his wife.

Photo of Alexander II and his sons.

Photos of Alexander III.

There is a train.

Photos kinds of Tashkent in the 1880s.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: the types of neighborhoods in Tashkent.

The street passing Arba.

People on the street.

People go on donkeys.

Types of city bazaar.

Potter at work.

People pray in the square in front of the mosque.

Weavers in the street, at work.

People will ship the goods on camels.

Caravan comes out of the gate.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Pictures of buildings and streets "European" part of Tashkent.

Newsreel 1920: the streets of Tashkent.

People go down the street on donkeys.

A woman cleans the carpet in the yard.

People on the bank of the canal, a girl collects water.

Peaches on the branches.

People are digging an irrigation canal in one of the villages.

Landscapes neighborhoods Tashkent.

View of part of the channel, "Iskander" in Chirchik Valley, built with the participation of the Grand Duke in 1883-1885 years.

Types of village Iskander in Uzbekistan.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Types of Amu Darya.

Irrigation canals.

Farmers plow the land.

Types of settlement Iskander-based Grand Duke.

Streams of mountain streams.

Mountain stream on the slope.

Newspaper reports and photos of charity events with the participation of Nicholas Romanov Photo residence of the Grand Duke in the center of Tashkent.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke.

Photographs and drawings of the house of the Grand Duke.

The modern look of the building.

Interiors of rooms in the house of Romanov N.

Decorating the walls of rooms in the house. "Oriental" room in the house.

Farm buildings and outbuildings.

Fragments ornaments home of the Grand Duke (Reception House Uzbek Foreign Ministry).

Fragments of interior decoration.

Paintings on the walls.

Carving on the walls and doors.

Art critic gives interviews (synchronously).

Fragments decorated rooms of the palace.

Art critic gives interviews.

Newsreel of the 1910s: the construction of irrigation canals in Central Asia.

Canal Nicholas I, arising from the Syr Darya.

Photos of the channel.

Pictures of houses in the villages encountered along the canal at the end of the 19th century.

General views of the canal.

Photos of Russian immigrants.

Types of buildings and buildings of the estate "Golden Horde Hungry Steppe", founded by Grand Prince.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Chusovitina DE, second wife of Grand Duke.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

An entry from the diary of Grand Duke.

Photo Khmelnitsky B. The church in the Trinity village near Tashkent.

Icons and candles in the house chapel of the palace of the Grand Duke in Tashkent.

Game footage from x / film: there is a general and his entourage.

An entry from the diary of Grand Duke.

Game footage from x / movie: are policemen and gendarmes.

There is a passenger train.

Scenery outside the window of the car.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Game footage from x / film "on January 9": shooting troops operating in St.


Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: from the gate of the palace in Tashkent go horse-drawn carriages.

The imperial family during their stay in Tsarskoye Selo.

Photo of Grand Duke in a turban.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century: the departure of horse-drawn carriages from the gates of the palace in Tsarskoye Selo.

View of part of the Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan, paintings and statues from the collection of the Grand Duke.

Samples of wood carving.

Items collection and paintings collected by the Grand Duke.

Fragments of the building of the palace of the Grand Duke in Tashkent.

Daughter Hajar, pupils Grand Duke, gives interviews (synchronously).

Hours donated by the Grand Duke his ward.

Game footage from x / movie: trader closes shop, passes by the police.

Granddaughter Hajar gives interviews (synchronously).

Portrait of Hajar in his old age.

Granddaughter Hajar gives interviews (synchronously).

Water flows along the bed of the channel.

Spin the wheel watermill.

Newsreel beginning of the 20th century, people clean the bed of the ditch, weighed cotton.

Shop cotton processing plant in Tashkent.

The workers in the factory shop.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Pictures of buildings and interiors of libraries based Grand Duke.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Built in front of the Palace of the Grand Duke in Tashkent.

Herman gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo of the building of the palace.

Photos Visit the younger brother Grand Duke Konstantin Tashkent.

Photos parents Grand Duke and his sister Olga - Greek queen.

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke on October 5, 1913.

Newsreel of 1912-1913: Nicholas II takes bread and salt.

The arrival of the Emir of Bukhara, Sayyid Alim Khan in Petersburg.

Celebrating the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

General view of the Palace Square.

Nicholas II and Empress on the balcony of the Winter Palace.

People build an irrigation canal.

Photos of the Romanovsky irrigation canal and a commemorative stele in honor of the channel entry into force.

Photos from the opening of the channel.

Photo of Grand Duke and his wife in 1916.

Palace of the Grand Duke in Tashkent.

The paintings collected by the Grand Duke.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Portrait Chusovitinovoy DE Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Buildings in Khiva, built by Grand Duke.

Portrait of Iskander-Dreyer NA Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1932: types bazaar in Tashkent.

Photo Dreyer Iskander-bazaar in Tashkent.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

Portrait of Natalia Alexandrovna Iskander, granddaughter of the Grand Duke.

Golender gives interviews (synchronously).

An entry in the diary of Grand Duke on December 1, 1917.

Newsreel, 1917: revolutionary events in Petrograd in March 1917.

Revolutionary demonstration in Tashkent.

Red Army units operating in Central Asia.

Galloping cavalry squadron.

Buildings theaters built by Grand Duke.

Newsreel, 1917: People on the streets of Tashkent.

People's faces.

Photos of the Transfiguration Cathedral in Tashkent, near the fence which was buried Grand Duke Nicholas.

Portrait of Grand Duke.

The inscription on the rocks in the desert: "The Grand Duke Nicholas."


Key words



Nicholas II Romanov - the Russian Emperor
Mohammed Alim Khan - Emir of Bukhara




St. Petersburg



Social life; History; Holidays; Industry
Sectors of the economy