Skobelev march. (2003)

Film-document №39152 1 part, Duration: 0:27:25 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:27:26

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: B. Liznev

Script writers: B. Liznev

Composers: A. Zaharov

Anouncers: N. Nepenjkov

Recordist: G. Shamshurina

Other authors: S. Lipina, E. Dikman


The film is dedicated to the great Russian commander General Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev.

Generals and war heroes | History


Movie №1 Skobelev march

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Photos of military surveys of the late 19th century.

Photos of Russian soldiers, going to the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

Photos of officers of the regiments of the Russian Imperial Army.

Portraits of General M. D. Skobelev.

Types of the Skobelev estate in the village of Zaborovo, Ryazan region.

Views of the building of the Transfiguration Church, where Skobelev is buried.

Skobelev's tomb inside the church.

A stone sarcophagus.

The inscription carved on the lid of the sarcophagus.

Country road.

Rural landscapes of the Ryazan region, photo of Skobelev in a coffin.

The sun is behind the clouds.

Photos of local residents and representatives of the clergy who gathered for Skobelev's funeral.

Photos of Skobelev's funeral in the village of Zaborovo.

Skobelev's stone sarcophagus.

Photo of retired military men who served with Skobelev.

Photos of retired soldiers.

Skobelev's stone sarcophagus.

Photos and drawings depicting soldiers at a halt during the Russian-Turkish War.

Portraits of soldiers and officers - participants of the Russian-Turkish war, portraits of Skobelev.

Russian Russian military units on the bivouac and on the march during the Russo-Turkish War, photos of soldiers and officers, portraits of Skobelev.

Photo of Alexander II on horseback against the background of the camp of one of the regiments.

Portraits of Alexander II and Prince Gorchakov.

Photo of Cossacks near a destroyed Orthodox church in Bulgaria.

Photos of soldiers and officers.

Portraits of K. Pobedonostsev, Alexander II.

Photo of Skobelev on horseback against the background of Constantinople.

Portrait of Skobelev.

Photo of the heir to the throne, Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, among the officers.

Portrait of Alexander II.

Photos of Balkan peasants.

Photo of one of the infantry regiments of the Russian army during the formation for a field prayer service.

Portraits of Alexander II, a regimental priest, officers and soldiers (photo montage).

Photo of the regimental band.

Skobelev before the formation of the regiment (photo montage).

Photos of military maneuvers of the Russian and Turkish armies, portraits of soldiers and officers (photo montage).

Fragments of x / films "Heroes of Shipka", "Yulia Vrevskaya", portraits of soldiers and officers (combined shooting).

Morning rural landscapes.

Portraits of soldiers and officers - participants of the Russian-Turkish War, fragments of memories sound behind the scenes (synchronously), alternate with rural landscapes, a soldier in a greatcoat walks through a field.

Clouds in the sky.

View of the surroundings of the Transfiguration Church in Zaborovo.

Full-length portrait of Skobelev.

Photo of officers during the Russian-Turkish War.

Portrait of Skobelev.

Photos of charity banquets.

Panorama of a part of the forest near Ryazan.

Portrait of Skobelev on the background of the church (photo montage).

Photos of officers.

Rural landscape (panorama).

Photos of the funeral of the fallen soldiers.

Portrait of Skobelev.

Photo of soldiers ' graves with wooden crosses.

Portrait of Skobelev.

View of the cleared field.

Photo of Skobelev in a coffin.

Clouds in the sky.

A man stands in the middle of a field.

Rural landscapes.

Photos of retired soldiers, a rider on a horse riding through a field.

Photos of veterans of the Russian-Turkish war.





Photo collection