Easter '45. (2006)

Film-document №39154 1 film, Duration: 0:30:00 to collection Price category S
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  • 1
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Movie 1 0:30:00

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: B. Krinitsin

Script writers: T. Karpova

Operators: K. Durnov


The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. Persecuted Church in the Soviet Union did not hesitate to stand on protecting the homeland. The war became so explosion of national consciousness, people who returned to the temple. Symbolic beginning of the war was the feast day of Russian saints and equally symbolic that victory came during the celebration of Easter.

Movie №1 Easter '45

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The film tells about the explosion of national consciousness during the Great Patriotic War , the people who returned to the temples of the Church 's contribution to the liberation of the motherland and the victory , which came during the celebration of Easter.

The first part .

Service in one of the churches in the parish many children.

Newsreels: June 22, 1941 . , Moscow , reproducer , people listen to speech Molotov recruits receive weapons on the street ; 1941 - 43gg . , CNC Machining blanks grenades woman checks the quality of shells , a teenager working at the bench ;

Passage of German engineering the street of the village, German soldiers are laughing , talking German cavalry riding motorcyclists, tanks are refugees med.sestra bandaging the wounded , the patriarch Sergius Stargorodsky at your desk, with the patriarch leads parishioners enter the church, pictures of besieged Leningrad .

The second part .

Workshop son Marshal V.I.Chuykova A.V.Chuykova sculptor , his work . A.V.Chuykov tells about his father.

Photos of the family Chuikov.

Commemorative plaque in the cemetery Chuikov .

Dome of a church , the iconostasis .

Newsreels: [ 1941 - 43gg . ], Germany , Adolf Hitler greeted by an officer , the German military vehicles traveling on the streets of one of the Russian cities, the German tanks on the road, flying German planes bombing ; 1942 - 43gg . , Stalingrad , exploding houses , burning and ruined buildings , commander of the 62nd Army V.I.Chuykov talking on the phone , talking with the officers , the battle in the streets, the German prisoners , among them - the commander surrendered the 6th Army General F.Paulyus ;

Moscow, [ 1942. ] , People with Easter cakes at the church , the priest covers the eggs, cakes , celebration of Easter , believers come out of the church , among them - the military.

The third part .

Newsreels: [ 1943 - 44gg . ] Soviet soldiers marching through the city streets , the priest stands with a cross on the porch of the church , one of the cities residents vstechal liberating soldiers , riding on horses , Red , drives a tank, armored soldiers sit on one of them with an accordion , an elderly woman icon blesses soldiers , refugees ride in a cart on the street of the city, killed on the streets, mourners , a memorial service at the cemetery ; 1945 . , Germany , shoot "Katyusha" , Soviet tanks are going to Berlin , corpses in the streets , crosses with a swastika , Soviet soldiers from going public road , a soldier writes a letter ; V.I.Chuykov surrounded by generals goes on the streets of Berlin , the Reichstag shelled , Marshal Zhukov at the walls of the Reichstag , the Brandenburg Gate , the meeting liberators in Moscow.



Social life; World War II; Religion