Country Varlamov. (2002)

Film-document №39155 1 film, Duration: 0:30:58 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:30:59

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: T. Karpova

Script writers: T. Karpova

Operators: Ye. Davydov


What can you do alone in the deserted village of the villagers? Drink bitter? Varlamov passionate about creativity. He creates unique sculptures of famous people, filling their lives and the lives of villagers living alone worthy content.

Movie №1 Country Varlamov

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The film was filming the following: Type the village Vakarino of Tver region, flowering apple trees, the view of abandoned village houses, the house of local craftsmen A.A.Varlamov, wooden sculptures - "monuments" of prominent historical and political figures, sports personalities and others made by A.A.Varlamov, manufacturing A.A.Varlamovym wooden sculptures, cheerful feast in the house of A.A.Varlamov.



Culture and Arts; Social life