Century of Likhachev. (2003)

Film-document №39201 6 parts, Duration: 0:52:42 to collection Price category L
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Movie 1 0:52:43

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: K. Artyukhov

Script writers: K.Artyuhov, E.Shmakova

Operators: K.Moshkovich

Recordist: E.Manukyan


The film is dedicated to the life and work of the great Soviet and Russian scientist Academician Dmitry Likhachev - art, culture, philology.


Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

View of the Neva within the precincts of St.

Petersburg on the Neva River sailing ships during the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the city.

Detail of the monument to Peter I. People on the Neva River.

Sailboat floats on the River Neva.

Fires old gun.

Pageant on the River Neva.

People on the beach applauded.

Reconstruction episode sea battle of the Great Northern War.

Photos of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of St.

Petersburg in 1903.

Festive decoration of the wall of a building.

People in the square watching ballet performances.

View of the Alexander Column.

The large screen in the square.

View of the St.

Isaac's Cathedral, the faces of people.

Ballet performances.

The large screen in the square.

Newsreel, 1991: People in the square greet DS Likhachev Likhachev, speaks at a rally to condemn the coup.

General view of the meeting.

Likhachev continued his speech.

Granddaughter Likhachev Kurbatov Z. is included in one of the rooms Likhachev cottages on the floor of debris.

Interior view of the former dining room.

Photo Likhachev.

Kurbatov tells Likhachev (synchronously).

View cottages.

Photo Likhachev and his wife.

Kurbatov held in former office Likhachev, continues the story (synchronously).

Part of the interior garden.

Kurbatov walks around the room, picks up the remaining books from his grandfather, leafing through and view them.

The text in the book about the kind of Likhachev.

Paintings depicting the streets of St.

Petersburg 18-19 century (synchronous sound memories Likhachev).

Vintage letters from the archive Likhachev.

View of the Catherine Canal in St.


Panorama of the Summer Garden.

Types streets of St.


The building of the Institute of Russian Literature.

Photo Likhachev at the entrance to the Institute.

View of the lobby and stairs to the second floor.

The corridors of the institute.

The office Likhachev.

Books and papers on his desk Likhachev.

Photo Likhachev in his office.

Photo Likhachev among the staff of the Institute.

Institute staff sitting at the tea table, remember the Likhachev (synchronously).

Portrait Likhachev on the wall.

The diploma of honorary citizen of St.

Petersburg in the name of Likhachev.

Certificates and diplomas Likhachev.

Professor Tvorogov tells Likhachev (synchronously).

A desk and bookshelves in the study Likhachev, his portrait on the shelf.

Panorama cabinet Likhachev.

Old books, was working Likhachev.

Books written Likhachev.

The ceremony of assigning Likhachev scientific degree in the UK.

Likhachev held on the rise.

The audience in the hall.

Presentation of the academic Likhachev sign.

Likhachev delivers a speech of thanks.

Professor G. Prokhorov tells Likhachev (synchronously).

Portrait Likhachev on the wall.

Prokhorov gives interviews (synchronously).

Prokhorov holds and sees them drawn portraits Likhachev.

Graphic portrait of Likhachev.

Prokhorov shows portraits of people close Likhachev, continues the story (synchronously).

Bulgarian stamps from the collection of Prokhorov.

Bulgarian mountain landscape.

View of the village in the mountains (above).

View from the center of Sofia cathedral.

Bulgarian University Prof. K. Ivanov tells about Likhachev (synchronously).

Photo Likhachev and Ivanova on the bookshelf.

The painting, depicting a Bulgarian village.

The book on the coffee table.

Ivanov gives interviews (synchronously).

The text of the ancient manuscripts.

Sheets of antique books with ancient Slavic text.

Monument to Cyril and Methodius in Sofia.

General view of the building of the National Library in Sofia.

Kind of a university building in Sofia.

View of the Orthodox Cathedral of Sofia.

Monument to General Skobelev MD one of the squares of Sofia.

The building of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

Photos Likhachev with Bulgarian counterparts during a visit to Bulgaria.

Bulgarian landscapes, synchronous sound memories Bulgarian journalist encounters with Likhachev.

Houses in Bulgarian village.

The journalist tells Likhachev (synchronously).

Photo Likhachev, lying on the table among the letters.

The journalist continues the story of Likhachev (synchronously).

Landscapes Bulgaria.

Panorama of the old castle.

View of the courtyard of the castle museum.

Fragments of the murals in the Bulgarian church.

Interior view of the church.

Icons, frescoes and iconostasis.

Street in the Bulgarian mountain village.

Types of streets and houses.

Panorama of the village.

View of the sea coast.

House on the cliffs, sea panorama.

Old photos in an album.

The ship sails along the Moscow Canal.

Old photos in an album.

View of the museum complex in Kizhi.

Photo Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

The modern view of the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

Photo album alternate views of Russian landscapes.

View of the passenger deck of the ship.

Spotlight on the boat.

Panorama of the coast of the Moscow Canal.

Orthodox churches on the shore.

The view from the roof of the temple.

Grechukhin V. gives interviews (synchronously).

Temples on the river bank.

Kind of the city of Myshkin.

Houses and streets Myshkin.

Grechukhin gives interviews (synchronously).

Images of mice.

Photo Likhachev, standing near toy mouse, donated them to the Museum Mice.

Panorama of the museum.

The museum's exhibits.

Forms of Likhachev garden.

The woman opens the gate and goes to testify.

Photos Likhachev in the country with his family.

Granddaughter Zilitinkevich V. Likhachev gives interviews (synchronously).

Reproductions of paintings by Modigliani on the wall.

Zilitinkevich V. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Likhachev with grandchildren.

Zilitinkevich up the stairs to the second floor villas, continues the story (synchronously).

The interiors bedroom cottage Likhachev.

Zilitinkevich considering a card presented to his grandfather.

The sun shines through the trees in the forest, the path leads out to the dacha.

Photo Likhachev in childhood.

Photos Likhachev in his youth.

Zilitinkevich continues the story of Likhachev (synchronously).

Photos of Solovetsky prison camp.

Photo Likhachev during their stay in the camp.

Likhachev talks about his arrest in 1928 (synchronously).

Photo Likhachev at the end of the 1920s.

The documents of the investigation file Likhachev.

Zilitinkevich gives interviews (synchronously).

Cover the investigation file Likhachev.

Likhachev read aloud documents his investigation file (synchronously).

Waving national flag of the Russian Federation, the view of the aft deck of the ship.

Photos Likhachev.

View of the Solovetsky monastery.

Likhachev on the deck of a ship during a trip to Solovki (synchronous sound memories Likhachev).

Newsreel of the late 1920s: the panorama of the Solovki camp.

A sign on the building of the Office of Special Purpose Camp.

People on the deck of the ship.

Buzzing steamboat whistle.

Face Likhachev.

Religious procession in Solovki.

An employee of the Solovki Museum Bochkareva O. gives interviews (synchronously).

The album with the records in the hands of Likhachev Botchkareva.

Panorama of the Solovetsky monastery.

Figure prison building in the album Likhachev.

Buildings in Solovki, where the prisoners.

Underground passages under the buildings.

Bochkareva talks about Solovetsky camp (synchronously).

Types of underground corridors.

The view from the window of an abandoned temple.

Photos criminals playing cards (synchronous sound memories Likhachev).

Article Likhachev's Card Games criminals.

Likhachev said about the article (synchronously).

Pages of the magazine "Solovetsky Islands".

Likhachev continues the story (synchronously).

Cover of "Solovetsky Islands".

Photo Likhachev.

Church building on the Solovetsky Islands, passing by the truck.

People pray at the temple.

Priests and parishioners recite prayers.

Those parishioners.

Burning candles.

Forms of Solovetsky monastery.

The staircase in one of the buildings.

Peephole in the door.

Pictures of prisoners on the walls under the plaster.

Fragments of icons, frescoes under the plaster.

The interiors of one of the churches.

Panorama of the night Solovki.

The cat on the street.

View of one of the temples at night, panorama of the island.

Panorama room at the cottage Likhachev, sitting at a table Zilitinkevich and gives interviews (synchronously).

Zilitinkevich V. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Likhachev while attending a conference in Edinburgh.

Zilitinkevich V. gives interviews (synchronously).

Photo Likhachev during the holidays.

Likhachev talks about his life (synchronously).

Portrait of Emperor Paul I.

Badge of the Order of St.


Newsreel 1998: Boris Yeltsin Likhachev in the Kremlin presents the Order of St.


Granddaughter Likhachev Kurbatov C goes through the park and remembers Likhachev (synchronously).

The plaque on the wall of the house in which he lived Likhachev in recent years.

Kurbatov gives interviews (synchronously).

Staircase and elevator in the house, where he lived Likhachev, Kurbatov continues his memories (synchronously).


Kurbatov gives interviews (synchronously).

Photos Likhachev.

View of the waterfront in St.


The building of the Institute of Russian Literature.

The premises of the Institute.

Desk Likhachev.

Reports of the death of Likhachev in newspapers.

Tombstones in the family plot Likhachev.

Granddaughter Likhachev Kurbatov C enters the room in the country, inspecting it.

Kurbatov, looking out the window, gives an interview (synchronously).

Stacked books, the icon of Christ the Savior.

Papers and books on the desk Likhachev.

Photo Likhachev his desk.

Solovetsky landscape.


Dmitry Likhachev - a scientist-critic, a cultural scholar
Boris Yeltsin - a state and political figure


1920s 08.1991 1998


Arkhangelsk region



Figures of science; Persons of arts; Political figures; Prisons and camps; Rallies
Biography; Science; Culture and Arts; Policy; State institutions; Society, social activities and community organizations; Social life