Alferov's impulse. (2002)

Film-document №39246 1 film, Duration: 0:51:59 to collection Price category L
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Movie 1 0:52:00

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Producer Lennauchfilm (LNF)

Director: L. Shakht, S. Balakirev

Script writers: S.Balakirev, L.Shaht

Operators: S.Balakirev


The film tells the story of the Lyceum "Physical-Technical School", created at the Physico-Technical Institute. AF Ioffe on the initiative of prominent Russian Zhores Alferov, physicist, everyday life, problems and prospects of the Lyceum, the relationship of teachers and students.

Figures of science | Science | Physics


Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

General view of the Physical-Technical Institute.


Kind of a construction crane from the windows of the building, interior view of the building.

Professor of Physical-Technical Institute Zabrodskii AG gives interviews (synchronously).

The filmmakers interviewed in Zabrodskii.

Zabrodskii gives interviews (synchronously).

Interior view of the upper part of the building of the institute.

Zhores Alferov speaks at the solemn meeting dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the institute (synchronously).

Students in the audience listening to the Alferov.

Alferov continued his speech (synchronously).

Students and teachers in the hall listening Alferov.

Alferov continued performance.

The operator removes the performance Alferov.

Alferov acts.

Those students sitting in the audience.

Alferov finishing performance.

Supports the head of one of the divisions of the institute Ivanov MG (Synchronously).

The people in the hall applauded Ivanov.

Students on stage singing songs with a guitar, a panorama of the assembly hall, the hall flying balloon.

The discovery of a new class of physical-technical school at the institute.

General view of a spiral staircase in the building of the institute.

Teacher Ginger VA gives interviews (synchronously).

The corridors of the institute, the entrances to the auditorium of physical and technical schools.

Teachers in the classroom.

Students at the lecture.

Chemistry teacher V. Volovik gives interviews (synchronously).

Newsreel 1995: teacher Ginger VA a lesson.

Students at the lesson in the physical and mathematical school.

The student answers a question the teacher.

The teacher explains the subject.

Those students.

The student answers a question the teacher.

Students in the class at their desks.

Volovik holds homeroom.

Students answer questions.

School teachers conducted personal interviews with children.

Those teachers.

Those children in the interview.

Faces of the children and teachers.

Solemn line before the start of the new academic year in physical and technical school students with bouquets in their hands.

Pupils and students come to the building of the institute.

Students in the auditorium of the Institute during the solemn meeting on the occasion of the new academic year.

Teacher School Marinin SA It delivers a parting word.

Those children, students, teachers.

Marinin continued performance.

Marinin, standing at the blackboard, explains the meaning of the formula.

Newsreel 1995: Marinin - student answers a question the teacher (re-plan).

Marinin at a board explains the subject students (synchronous sound interviews Marinin).

Those students.

Marinin is a lesson.

Those students.

Marinin marker writes on the blackboard.

Detail of the school wall newspaper.

Students and teachers in the wagon train.

Face Marinin.

Children in the wagon train.

The landscape outside the window of the car.

The landscape outside the window of the car.

Children and adults are removed from the shelves backpacks, preparing to leave.

People come out of the train onto the platform.

Go kids with backpacks.

Students and teachers during a camping trip.

Rest in the woods.

Those children.

Participants hike equip halt place, sawn logs.

Kindle fire.

Participants hike around the campfire.

Children fanning the fire, boil water in a pot.

Boil water in kettles.

Participants hike drink tea.

Marinin drinking tea from a mug.

Children learn orienteering map area.

Children and teachers continue to campaign.

Participants hike arrange another halt.

Participants hike by the fire, boil the water and dry shoes.

Panorama of forest lake.

Participants hike in the evening a large fire.

Construction of the building.

The teacher leads a lesson in physical and technical school of the institute.

Students raise their hands at the blackboard is Marinin.

Panorama class.

The end of the lesson, teachers discuss among themselves results.

Girl treats teachers apples.

Teachers eating apples.

The teacher begins a new lesson.

The teacher goes to the department continues to explain.

Face student.

Teacher at the blackboard.

The teacher continued to explain, he writes with chalk on a blackboard.

The student listens to teachers and gnaws pen.

The teacher goes on to explain the subject.

Those students.

Children write essays (synchronous sound excerpts from the works).

Girls glued wall newspaper in baby pictures of classmates.

Teachers and students are sitting at their desks in a classroom, posed round.

Teacher Shatsev B. talks about the new design of classrooms (synchronously).

Shatsev shows the layout of one of the walls of the new cabinet.

The lesson of literature in physical and technical school.

Literature teacher Kudasova EA gives interviews (synchronously).

Kudasova a lesson.

The student sets out his views on the work.

Those students.

The teacher and students dispute the views of the product.

Those students.

General view of the class during the lesson literature (synchronous sound interviews Kudasova).

Kudasova gives interviews (synchronously).

The video "skit" 1990s in the Physico-Technical Institute.

Interior view of an empty class, overturned chairs on desks, the teacher is sitting at the table.

Face teacher checks the work of students.

General view of the class.

High school students are rehearsing a scene from an amateur performance.

Teacher-director directs the rehearsal.

Rehearsal continues.

The director directs a rehearsal from the hall.

Actors play one of the scenes of the play.

Teachers and students playing chess.

Teacher Ginger VA gives interviews (synchronously).

Teachers and students playing chess.

Ginger gives interviews (synchronously).

Ginger plays chess with a student.

Students playing chess.

Children in the gym playing indoor soccer.

The girls from the support group.

Children play in the mini-football.

Awarding the prize to the captain of the winning team.

Players show the audience prize.

Zhores Alferov delivers a welcoming speech in honor of the guest - composer Petrov AP (Synchronously).

Petrov is sitting in the front row listening Alferov.

Alferov continues to act.

Petrov gets up, goes to the middle of the room.

Alferov welcomes Petrov stood at the microphone.

Petrov says into the microphone.

Face Alferov.

Alferov receives congratulations and gifts on his birthday.

High school students sing a song of welcome comic Alferov.

Alferov, sitting in the front row, listening to a song.

Students continue to sing.

Alferov listening to a song, applause.

The girls presented bouquets of flowers Alferov.

Alferov thanked the students for the performance of the song.

Alferov with a bouquet in hand.

View of the building of the institute.

The teacher leads a lesson in physical and technical school.

Interior view of the upper part of the building of the institute.

Alferov gives interviews (synchronously).

Lesson in the computer room of the school.

Students during a practice session with different instruments and equipment.

High school student on the computer.

Head of the Laboratory Kompan ME gives interviews (synchronously).

Students in the laboratory during the occupation.

Folders with lists of participants Sakharov readings.

Alferov scans posters.

Alferov of the floor with a welcoming speech before the Sakharov readings.

People in the audience listening to the Alferov.

Alferov of the floor.

A general view of one of the classrooms, where the report under Sakharov readings.

The speaker demonstrates charts and diagrams.

Persons participating readings.

Teachers and students discuss the reports raised during the questions.

Students of physical and technical schools make presentations.

People in the audience considered the rapporteur presented photos.

A girl makes a report.

Announcement of the best names of speakers.

The people in the hall applauded.

Presentation of prizes and diplomas the best presenters.

Alferov sign copies of his book.

Alferov among school students.

On the chairs against the wall lie backpacks students.

Graduates write an essay exam.

The teacher explains the procedure for registration of works.

The pupils at their desks.

Topics writings on the board.

Those students.

The teacher explains the subject compositions.

Students write an essay.

Books on a shelf.

Topics writings on the board.

Students write an essay.

Math exam.

The clock on the wall.

The teacher sits at a table in an empty classroom and checks the work of students.

Teacher gives students proven performance.

Construction of the building.

Those students.

Students analyze the results of the work, correcting mistakes.

The girl behind the desk.

Teacher counsel.

Students talk with the teachers during the colloquium.

Type of construction outside the window, the panorama of the class.

Geometry textbook for the 10th grade, students in preparation of homework.

Tutorial chemistry.

Photos of students with teachers.

Students during independent work.

Students listen to explanations of the teacher.

Students during independent work.

High school students are on the main staircase in the building of the institute.

Presentation of commemorative medals in honor of the 15th anniversary of the school.

Former student Ryzhik VA the teacher presents a commemorative medal.

Performers are high school students.

It performs one of the teachers of the school.

Teacher with a bouquet of flowers and gifts.

Juniors during the lesson in the classroom.

Face student to record lectures.


Zhores Ivanovich Alferov - physicist




St. Petersburg

Social life