Archive Detective. (2006)

Film-document №39248 1 film, Duration: 0:29:52 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:29:52

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: B. Krinitsin

Movie №1 Archive Detective

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he film tells about the historical version put forward by German researchers at which died during the 1st World War, Count Ferdinand von Galen and Soviet Marshal V.Blyuher same person .

Historian and archivist , head of the scientific reference RGAKFD V.N.Batalin commented this version (sinhr.) and on the basis of archival documents , analyzed them , denies it.

The film features the film documents stored in RGAKFD in RSMHA in Rybinsk Museum-Reserve .

The film was filming the following :

Part 1.

Newsreel footage abroad : street / Berlin / vehicular traffic on these streets , people on the streets (late 20's early. 30s . ) Nazis on parade are the columns of " Hitler Youth " , Adolf Hitler greets participants of the parade , people gathered in the square ;

German people responsible for greeting Hitler , Hitler's speech ( 1930 . ) Soviet leaders : Stalin , K. Voroshilov , M.Kalinin , L. Kaganovich , Ordzhonikidze , Vyacheslav Molotov , A. Mikoyan and others on the podium of one of the meetings;

among participants Soviet commanders - M.Tuhachevsky , S.Budenny , V.Blyuher etc. , general view of the hall of the Kremlin Palace during the next meeting;

Red Army parade on the Red Square (1935-1936) ;

on the mausoleum party and government leaders .

Soviet military leaders ; among them - L. Kaganovich , M.Kalinin , Molotov , V.Blyuher , M.Tuhachevsky , S.Budenny Egorov , etc.

V.N.Batalin in the office looking at the pictures , watching the filming , the staff and the archive N.N.Akulina L.B.Inozemtseva watching newsreels on zvukomontazhnyh tables in workrooms archive.

Part 2 .

Newsreels of the 1st World War : Wires mobilized to the front - the people standing at / Railway , dancing women and men , a column of soldiers of the Russian army is on the road ;

loading the wounded in ambulances in Tarnow , a group of officers and nurses in an artillery shell (1915 );

alpine part of the Austro -Hungarian army in the mountains, firing positions , installation of artillery , gun shoots ;

Russian army officer talks on the phone. greets logged officer , Russian troops are going to attack ;

column captured Austrians walking down the street of a town in Russia ;

of the building ( in Kiev ), where prisoners are placed Austro-Hungarian army ;

people on the street watching as Austrian prisoners lift products on the rope through the window ;

Austrian officer questioning a prisoner ;

panorama of a group of German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war newsreel footage of the Chinese : the demonstrators are on the streets of a town ;

military column on the street with guns .

V.N.Batalin work with documents in the Military Historical Archive .

Part 3 .

Newsreels: Far Eastern Army Commander Marshal V.Blyuher holds a meeting in the office , the plane " Siberian builder" flies over one of the regions of the Far East; a group of people standing on the banks of the river with fish in nets , fishing boats near the shore ; loading bags into rail cars , passenger train along the platform , passengers climb the stairs at the train station in Vladivostok tram traffic on a street in Vladivostok ; exercises parts of the Far Eastern Army , under the command V.Blyuhera ; V.Blyuher held under military escort ; newsreel depicting events related to Japan 's aggression in China: Japanese planes fly , bomb towns of China, burning houses, residents are hiding in shelters ; newsreels documenting the military conflict at Lake Khasan : fighting units using Far Eastern Army aviation, artillery and tank units ; Meeting women commanders in Moscow in the Hall of Columns : Stalin on the podium applauds V.Blyuher on the podium surrounded by commanders' wives , women with flowers , applause , a girl in a sailor suit presenting flowers to Stalin ; among those present at the meeting : Kalinin , Voroshilov and others

View of the city of Rybinsk ( photographed by the Volga ); view of the building of Local Lore Museum ; interview senior researcher museum E.M.Belovoy (sinhr. and frame . ) .

Aerial view of houses in his village Blvukher - Barschinka under Rybinsk ; of the house where he was born and Marshal Blvukher monument.

View of the building of the Russian State Film and Photo Archive at Krasnogorsk .
