Juliet. (1975)

Film-document №39807 3 parts, Duration: 0:29:20 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:51

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: Galanter B.

Script writers: Galanter B.

Operators: Shapiro B.

Composers: Prokofjev S.S.


The film is dedicated to the works of the young ballerina N. Pavlova and her choreograph N. Boyarchikov. Their team-work on the image of Juliet became the main topic of the film.

Ballerinas | Ballet

Persons of arts | Biography | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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Autumn Park.

A fragment of a rehearsal of the ballet "Romeo and Juliet" in the costumes and scenery.

Soloists and N.V.Pavlova M.F.Daukaev.

Hands of a ballerina on a background of trees.

N.N.Boyarchikov. N.V.Pavlova.

Hands artists rehearsing in nature. N.V.Pavlova. N.N.Boyarchikov.

A fragment of the ballet rehearsal in costume, the duo of Romeo and Juliet.

N.N.Boyarchikov Sakharova LP and rehearsing with the soloists in choreographic classes.

Dancers are reflected in the mirrors.

The alternation of fragments of the ballet rehearsal in costumes and rehearsing in the classroom.


Detail of costume rehearsal on the original color negatives.

The alternation of fragments of rehearsals.


Pavlova NV - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Boyarchikov NN - Chief choreographer of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Sakharov LP - The ballet master, choreographer, teacher and artistic director of the Perm Ballet School, People's Artist of the USSR.
Daukaev MF - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR.





Reel №2

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M.F.Daukaev. N.V.Pavlova.

Hands artists rehearsing in nature.

Soloists are rehearsing in the classroom with N.N.Boyarchikovym.

A fragment of the ballet rehearsal in costumes. N.N.Boyarchikov.

N.V.Pavlova headgear Juliet.

Detail of costume rehearsals in cyanotype.

The alternation of fragments of rehearsals in the classroom, in nature, on the stage in costume and scenery.

Detail of costume rehearsal on the original color negatives. N.N.Boyarchikov. N.N.Boyarchikov N.V.Pavlova and in the classroom.

A fragment of the ballet rehearsal in costumes.

Hands of a ballerina on a background of trees.


Pavlova NV - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Boyarchikov NN - Chief choreographer of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Daukaev MF - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR.





Reel №3

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Yellow maple leaves on the grass.

Hands ballerina.

Persons N.V.Pavlovoy and N.N.Boyarchikova.

The alternation of fragments of rehearsals in the classroom and on the stage in costume.

N.N.Boyarchikov and Sakharova LP.

The alternation of fragments of rehearsals with views of the park. N.N.Boyarchikov and Sakharova LP.

Detail of the dress rehearsal.

Hands of a ballerina on a background of trees.

The alternation of fragments: N.V.Pavlova rehearsing with M.F.Daukaevym and talking to N.N.Boyarchikovym.

Yellow leaves of a mountain ash.

Rehearsal in nature: the death of Romeo and Juliet.


Warm-up artists before the performance.

The conductor of the orchestra.


Pavlova NV - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR.
Boyarchikov NN - Chief choreographer of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, teacher, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
Sakharov LP - The ballet master, choreographer, teacher and artistic director of the Perm Ballet School, People's Artist of the USSR.
Daukaev MF - Soloist of the Perm Academic Opera and Ballet named after Tchaikovsky, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR.



