Caution - potent toxic substances. (1979)

Film-document №40490 2 parts, Duration: 0:07:57 to collection Price category G
  • Parts
  • 2
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Part 2 digitized in HD 0:07:57

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Producer Sverdlovsk newsreel studio

Director: L.Partigul

Script writers: Gaydamak

Operators: Kulikov

Composers: Suslov


The film describes the actions of the united troop of anti-radiation and anti-chemical defence in case of emergency.

Reel №1


Reel №2

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The rescue team is preparing to eliminate the lesion.

Cars with rescuers are sent to the center of defeat.

Gas rescuers are the first to arrive at the place.

Creating a water curtain disperses the chlorine cloud, reduces its concentration.

Rescuers of the sanitary squad.

Chlorine vapors flow into basements.

Rescuers inspect all the premises, take people out of the infection zone.

Delivery of the injured to the medical center.

First aid to victims.

The collapse of the warehouse territory.

Creating pit traps.

Degassing of the territory.

Ventilation of premises.

Sanitary treatment of personnel.

General view of the chemical plant.