Soviet Ural Mountains 1993 № 4

Film-document №41536 1 part, Duration: 0:09:52 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:53

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About the Cossack village of Verkhneuralskaya

Reel №1

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1. For the faith and the Fatherland.

A man puts on a military Cossack uniform.

The bell ringer in the bell tower rings the bells.

Service in the church.

Cossacks at the service in the church.

A snow-covered field.

A group of men in the uniform of Cossacks.


The Cossacks are discussing something, sitting at the table.

The village of Verkhneuralskaya.

The Cossacks are marching down the street of the village.

Opening of the Cross of Worship in memory of the fallen Cossacks.

Horses in the meadow.

A herd of horses, accompanied by several riders.

The wedding.

Young people exchange rings.

A young couple in crowns.


Orenburg region

Russian cities and regions; History
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature