When the Altai bloom lights. . .. (1965)

Film-document №41700 1 part, Duration: 0:09:30 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:30

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Producer Novosibirsk newsreel studio

Director: G. Grebenkina

Operators: D. Ozolin

Other authors: Tekst - G. Paderin. Zvuk - K. Volkov.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Maralovodcheskoe tract Kurdyum farm in the Altai.

A herd of deer (deer) in the pasture.

Maralovod F. Popov sons build fence enclosing a pasture. F. Popov young ring; sawed off antlers (antlers).

Antlers boiled in a cauldron, hang to dry.

Haying for red deer in the winter; operate mowers, reapers. F. Popov sons redirected around the farm.

Key words
