North Caucasus 1971 № 41

Film-document №43176 1 part, Duration: 0:09:48 to collection Price category G
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  • 1
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:49

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Producer North-Caucasian newsreel studio

Director: G. Avsaragova

Operators: Chan Nin Gu, B. Nasimov, M. Barbutli, S. Coriev, V. Dzobaev

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame



Landing aircraft AN-10 "A" at the airport.

Passengers out of the plane.

A solemn meeting of the Hungarian delegation.

The delegation visited the oil fields, farm "Comintern" Shelkovskiy District, present at the solemn reception honeymoon farm club.




Traffic and pedestrians.

Awarding of literature and art.

Among them: Muradova, Gamzatov, M.Kazhlaev, Z. Hizroeva, AH Abu Bakar, F. Aliyev.

Speaker Gamzatov (synchronous and over).

Cherkess shoe factory.

Manufacture of ladies' footwear.

City Mozdok.

Curtain fabric factory.

Production processes in the knitting and weaving workshops.

Packing cloth.

Karachay-Cherkessia Pedagogical Institute.

Students in the classroom.

City Vladikavkaz.

Streets and buildings.

Traffic, pedestrians.

Student construction team "Quantum" working on the construction of HPP-3-Kuban Kalauzskogo channel.


International wrestling tournament for the prize of Ali Aliyev.

Award winners.

Prizes were presented by A. Aliyev.

Key words

Air transport. Socio-political relations. Oil industry. Collective farms. Population. Rewarding. Maritime transport. Footwear industry. Textile industry. Youth organizations. City. Higher Education. Energy. Wrestling.