Business people.. (1991)

Film-document №47164 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:42 to collection Price category S
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:26

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1, 2, 3;

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Producer Film studio Otechestvo

Director: E. Vermisheva

Operators: K. Durnov

Reel №1

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City of Moscow.

Newsreel 1930; demolition Sukharev Tower, Red Gate.

Joint Soviet-American joint venture "Perestroika" for the restoration of the architectural appearance of the conservation of


Interview architects architectural bureau.

Types of architectural models.

Story (synchronously) co-chair of the joint venture "Perestroika" Earl Vorsha (USA).

Interview of President of the company "Moszhilstroy" A. Stroeva.

V. build and E. Vorsha inspect construction sites in the area Belosrusskaya, Sparrow Hills, on Uprising Square, Novoslobodskaya Street, where they will carry out work on reconstruction.

Key words

Economic ties. Utilities. Building.



Reel №2

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The story (synchronously) of the co-chairman of the joint venture "Perestroika" Earl Vorsh (USA).

Driving through the streets of Atlanta.

The company's office in the USA.

Discussion of one of the projects in the firm "Moszhilstroy".

An observation deck on the Lenin Hills.

Soviet and American architects on the streets of Moscow.

Layouts in the architectural bureau.

Reel №3

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Passage along the street with private houses.


A crumbling house.

A construction site in the area of Vosstaniya Square.

A high-rise building.

Houses on Kalyaevskaya Street.

The president of the Moszhilstroy company, A. Stroev and E. Vorsh, inspect construction sites in the area of the Belorussky railway station, Vorobyovy Gory, Vosstaniya Square, Novoslobodskaya Street, where reconstruction work will be carried out.

Renovated houses.

Architectural projects.

Business center on Pushkin Square.

Reconstruction of one of the houses in Yuzhinsky lane.

The construction site.

The area of Mosfilmovskaya street.



Renovated houses in Yuzhinsky lane.



