The Swan Lake.. (1957)

Film-document №4811 8 parts, Duration: 1:16:18, Black-white to collection Price category C
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Movie 1:17:02

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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Tulubeva Z.

Operators: Artseulov O., Kiselev V., Opryshko P., Rymarev D., Silenko M., Khavchin A., Khodyakov V., Tsitron V.


Ballet Film “The Swan lake”.


Culture and Arts

Reel №1

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House-Museum of PI Tchaikovsky in Klin.

Stand with sketches of the ballet "Swan Lake", the first edition of the score, musical sketches, letters, and reviews.

Landscapes suburbs.

Bolshoi Theatre.

The audience is going to play.

Conductor, People's Artist of the USSR YF Fire at the console.

The beginning of the first act:

Ball in honor of his son reigning Princess - Prince Siegfried.

Fun youth court.

Siegfried (N. Fadeyechev) welcomes guests.

Dancing Fool (B. Hamsters).

Court waltzing.

Princess goes.

Girls presented her with flowers.

Princess talks with Prince.

Clown dancing.

Reel №2

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Dancing girls.

General polonaise.

The court removed.

On stage - clown prince, his mentor.

Flying flock of swans.

Prince takes a bow and go hunting with friends.

The end of the first act.

The audience at the show in the museum theater.

Billboard first performance of the ballet by Tchaikovsky.

Portraits of the directors of "Swan Lake": Lev Ivanov, Marius Petipa and Alexander Gorsky.

Photos of the participants first performances of ballet, performers title role: Karpakovoy, Anna Pavlova, E. Gelzer, M. Semenova, G. Ulanova, Maya Plisetskaya.

The beginning of the second act:

Viewing audience.

Behind the board Yu Fire.


Floating flock of swans.

There is an evil genius (V. Levashev), Prince.

Siegfried shoots.

Swans run out, transformed into girls, among them Queen swans - Odette (Maya Plisetskaya).

Reel №3

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Dancing Odette.

Odette and Prince.

Evil Genius asunder Odette and Siegfried.

Dancing swans.

Odette and Siegfried of swans.

Adagio of Odette and Prince.

Reel №4

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Spectators watching.

Adagio of Odette and Siegfried.

Dancing swans.

Dancing Odette.

Prince goes looking for Odette.

Swans escape.

Prince sees Odette.

Siegfried Oath of allegiance to Odette.

Evil Genius again separates lovers.

The end of the second act.

The audience in the auditorium.

Reel №5

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J. Fire at the console.

The beginning of the third act:

Ball in the Palace.

Jester is out.

Princess appears and mentor.

The Queen opens the ball.

Follow Neapolitan, Hungarian dances, mazurka.

The Prince.

Waltz begins brides.

On stage - Evil Genius and his daughter - Odile.

Ball, interrupted by the arrival of Odile, continues.

Should Spanish dance.

Reel №6

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Dance Odile and Siegfried.

A vision of Odette.

Odile continues to dance.


Dancing Prince.

Odile dances.

Reel №7

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Prince joyfully reports princess bride of his choice.

Princess unveils guests of the bride and groom.

Vision of Odette.

Odile and the evil genius of escape.

End of the third act.

Bows Maya Plisetskaya, N. Fadeyechev.

Maya Plisetskaya in the dressing room.

Machinist scene gives instructions.

Put decorations.

Performers ready to go.

Beginning of the fourth act.

Dancing swans.

Odette runs, dances among the swans.

Evil Genius appears.

He is looking for Odette.

Evil Genius and Odette.

Reel №8

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Swans run out and close Odette.

The Prince.

He is looking for Odette among the swans.

Siegfried and Odette dance of the swans.

Evil Genius appears.

Siegfried protects Odette from the Evil Genius.

Siegfried's fight with the magician.

Death of Evil Genius.

Final Ballet.


Siegfried on his knees in front of Odette.

End of the fourth act.

Actors bows.

The audience applauded.

Portrait of PI Tchaikovsky.

Movie №0

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