The writing is on the ice.. (1984)

Film-document №48815 2 parts, Duration: 0:16:40 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Director: Chertov G.

Script writers: Polonskij D.

Operators: Nikeljberg L.

Composers: Goljdshtejn A.


The story of the children's theater on ice at the Sports Palace of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant.

Childhood and youth | Theater | Figure skating

Social life | Culture and Arts | Sport

Reel №1

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Sports Palace of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant.

At the rink decomposed props.

At the rink is the head of the children's theater on ice "Aleko" N.M.Samsonova.

Dissolve: N.M.Samsonova composed Folk Dance Ensemble of the USSR under the direction of I.A.Moiseeva fragment rehearsals.

Pupils work out the elements of dance theater (the camera follows feet in skates).

View of the rink from the rostrum in the warm-up suits. N.M.Samsonova on the podium.

Children in costumes backstage.

Parents help children dress up in costumes to dress up and prepare for the performance.

The girl straightens her hair before a mirror.

Participants play in front of a mirror.

Mom helps the child wrapped in ice skates. N.M.Samsonova.

The audience at the podium.

Dance of the chickens. N.M.Samsonova encourages children.

Children in the lobby during the intermission.

Parents help children to change costumes.

Russian folk dance.

Behind the scenes, getting ready for action next group of artists.

Latin American dance. N.M.Samsonova conducts performance.

Fragments of the performances of the senior group, dancing children perform complex elements of figure skating - the support and rotation.

View of the rink from the rostrum. N.M.Samsonova conducts rehearsal, the children work out the movement.

Tells N.M.Samsonova.

Fragments of theater rehearsals: N.M.Samsonova talking with children, students work out support under the guidance of coaches learn the jumps and other elements of figure skating.

Children playing with a puppy. N.M.Samsonova is a lesson in choreography class.

Aerobics classes. N.M.Samsonova child is learning the dance circuit. N.M.Samsonova wipes his face with a handkerchief, turns and looks in the mirror.

A fragment of a rehearsal Folk Dance Ensemble of the USSR, and N.M.Samsonova I.A.Moiseev. N.M.Samsonova among dancing children.

Key words

Inspiration. Educational and creative work. Sports.


Samsonov NM - Choreographer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, the head of children's theater on ice.
Moses I. - Choreographer, choreographer, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, the founder and head of the Folk Dance Ensemble of the USSR.



Reel №2

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Those children. N.M.Samsonova explains and shows dance moves.

Older students are sitting on the stairs, the girl ties the laces.

N.M.Samsonovoy person.

N.M.Samsonova is a lesson in the classroom.

A group of children from choreographic machine.

Alternation: N.M.Samsonova working with children on the ice, photos N.M.Samsonovoy of Folk Dance Ensemble of the USSR.

The costumes on hangers in the locker room.

On the table is a tape recorder.

She includes a tape recorder, people listen to music. N.M.Samsonova shows motion for a new number.

Discussion of the new production.

The alternation of fragments: the beginning of rehearsals in a classroom, discussing adult dance, children dance work out on the floor and on the ice.

A fragment of a rehearsal in the hall under the supervision of N.M.Samsonovoy and her assistant.

Fragments of the suit and the usual rehearsals on the ice.

Children playing with a puppy.

Pupils talk about the theater that theater means to them and his team.


Fragments of the performances. N.M.Samsonova with a bouquet of carnations.

Children at the training work out the elements of figure skating (the camera follows feet in skates).

Key words

Inspiration. Educational and creative work. Sports.


Samsonov NM - Choreographer, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, the head of children's theater on ice.

