"Give us this day". (1988)

Film-document №50183 7 parts, Duration: 1:09:40 to collection Price category L
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:58

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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Producer LSDF

Director: P. Kogan, S. Skvorcov

Script writers: P.Kogan, S.Skvorcov

Operators: S. Litvyakov, A. Alin, K. Larin, E. Shevchuk

Recordist: S.Litvyakov


About life in the village of Verkola in the homeland of the great Russian writer Fyodor Abramov, the memory of which is devoted to painting. Northern Arkhangelsk land on which grew up the writer F. A. Abramov. Portraits of the countrymen of the writer, the inhabitants of the village Verkola, their life, work, life.

Persons of arts | Literati

Biography | Culture and Arts | Literature

Reel №1

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Clouds in the sky.

The airboat is on thin ice, school children crossing the river in shallow water, moving on bicycles, go to the beach, the woman rinsing linen in the hole.

Panorama of the frozen river and forest on the shore, on the ice motorcycles are the hunters, the man crosses the river on the ice (behind the scenes is the I. V. Stalin's speech of 3 July 1941, simultaneously).

A horse harnessed to a sled , standing at the entrance to the store, snowing, passes by a woman.

The boy's face.

Children stand at the entrance to the store in the village of Verkola, is a woman.

View of the barge, standing by the river, houses on the shore.

The sailors wash the deck of the barge.

Older men standing at the walls of the house, telling stories about the past of the village (synchronously), people swimming in the boat, the sky in the clouds.

A tractor drives past a wooden chapel.

Retirees continue to tell about the history of the village and the collective farm (synchronously).

From wooden chapel endure sacks of grain.

The students go along the river.

Interior view of the old farmhouse, the light shines through the narrow window.

The face of an old woman, leaning on a cane, goes past the trees.

Russian cities and regions; National culture
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Culture and Arts

Reel №2

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Woman drilling a hole in the ice.

The faces of the residents of the village of Verkola, people stand in the square.

The woman in the ice hole fishing (behind the scenes are her memories, simultaneously).

The pioneers are mourning and wreath laying at the memorial to those killed in the war villagers, the star on the monument.

The villagers sit around the dinner table, the faces of the people.

One of the villagers tells about the war and his injury (synchronous), people at the holiday table, a woman drinking tea from the saucer.

Melting snow.

An elderly woman reads aloud the Scriptures (synchronously), the woman down the steps, leaning on his stick, goes along the path.

Running melt water.

People sit around a table and talk, sing.

People ride the bus.

Seeing the young men in the army, grandmother hugging grandson good-bye, crying.

Children's toy for window glass, the woman rinsing linen in the stream of melt water, standing beside the man.

The bus goes on the road, for it winds the dust.

Boys girls on the porch of the house, the girls are dancing.

A boy rides a Bicycle on the street of the village, the girl on the street.

Buyers at the counter of a village store, a saleswoman talking on the phone.

Panorama of the shelves with bread and canned food.

Baby doll on the fence.

Woman at home sitting at the table.

National culture; Russian cities and regions
Culture and Arts; Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №3

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People at the bus stop take the bus.

A resident of the village, standing at the fence, talking about himself and his life in the village (synchronously).

People in the bus.

The man takes the ropes dry after washing things, straightens and adds them together.

The airplane is flying.

A spider at the center of the web.

A man stands at the entrance to the house.

The wind rustles the grass.

The woman talks about the work of F. A. Abramov (synchronously).

The face of one of the villagers, the women of the village street.

A resident of the village near his house, smokes a cigarette (behind the scenes is a conversation about the neighbors, synchronously).

Dogs playing at the intersection.

The types of village of Verkola.

A resident of the village tells about his life (synchronous), leaves on the road.

Truck passing on the street of the village.

View of rural cemetery in the winter.

Snowbound well, the bucket swaying in the wind.

A cross with a photo on one of the graves.

An elderly woman walks in, sits down on the bed.

An elderly woman stands by the fence, leaning on a stick, comes into the yard covered with snow well.

View of part of the rural cemetery new grave in the cemetery.

View of the road with puddles, running through the village.

People in the back seat in the bus.

Russian cities and regions
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature

Reel №4

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The ridge on the roof of a wooden house, a wire stretched from the roof, the sky, a lamppost.

A resident of the village Verkola opens the barn door.

People stand at the wall of the shed, one of them tries on the strength of bridges over a ditch with water.

Man goes on ladders standing on the shore barge.

A man carrying a box of wine bottles, type of stacks of boxes with bottles.

Panorama of the village at night.

People take out boxes of bottles from the barge.

An elderly woman in the garden next to the house.

Students are raised in an abandoned rural Church.

A fragment of the part of the surviving wall paintings.

The teacher explains to the children the safety rules while in the emergency building of the Church during the tour (synchronously).

Interior view of the dome of the Church.

Rural landscape, the rain begins.

View of the frescoes on the Church wall, the moon emerging from behind clouds.

Fragment of a fresco on the Church wall, an interior view of a Church spire.

Running rainwater.

Interior view of the Church, sun rays shining through the Windows, the people who came for prayer, people praying elderly women.

Women go on the field to the wooden Church.

Interior view of an abandoned Church, the iconostasis without icons.

Ice drift on the river, floating shards of ice.

Saleswoman rural store count revenue.

Interior view of an abandoned Church.

Older women come out of the wooden Church.

The preserved frescos with the image of Christ.

Woman with children walking along the road, blowing a Blizzard.

An elderly woman with a candle in hands, reads the prayer.

View of a wooden burial cross.

Grave of F. A. Abramov with a five-pointed star and a portrait.

Russian cities and regions; Geography and Nature; Religion
Towns and countries; Social life

Reel №5

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Older women talking, standing on the porch of the wooden Church after you go home.

Two women sit in a motorboat, while others remain on the shore.

People swimming in the boat.

A mural of Christ behind the scenes is the text of the gospel (synchronously).

Hay pellets on the frozen ice, a woman catches a fish from the hole in the ice.

Unloading hay with a tractor.

People stand at the sled with hay.

The villagers in the village Council behind the scenes is the story of the local MP, synchronously.

Floating on water brick of hay.

One of the villagers carries on a hay sled, the back is a woman with a rake in his hands.

Elderly woman at home sitting at the table and reads the gospel aloud (synchronously), the panorama room, on the bed sits a girl.

Man sharpening a scythe.

An elderly woman talks about the case of the UFOs (synchronously), a man mowing the grass.

An elderly woman's face.

Woman sitting at table and drinking tea from the saucer.

The man watching with binoculars for flying the plane flies over the houses.

The forest is under the wing of the plane, the smoke from a forest fire.

Cows in the barnyard, the two men consider caught the chick, let him go.

Burning grass in the forest, burning forest fire, people with shovels throw the fire ground.

Shepherds and farm workers drive the cows over the fence, cow's head.

Burning grass in the forest.

A man stands at the ropes with drying things.

People died fighting a forest fire, expect to shift, assign duties for the protection of the forest from re-ignition, the trunk of the tree, the burning inside, the smoke from the fire.

Russian cities and regions; Agriculture
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Sectors of the economy

Reel №6

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Burning out a stump, view of the burnt forest clearing.

Face saleswoman village shop that supports the buyers.

Duty for the protection of forests from fire in the meadow, people discuss work issues (synchronously).

The rusty remains of a fire truck.

Woman sitting at Desk and reads aloud the gospel (synchronously) on the table there are willow branches in a glass jar.

Panorama of a burnt forest clearing.

The farmers at the barnyard.

Burning and smoldering trees in a forest glade, people on duty fire shifts sitting in a clearing talking, truck driving, shift supervisor gives interviews (synchronously).

Panorama of the village in the evening.

Head of the House-Museum of F. A. Abramov gives interviews (synchronously).

A man with a can and a bag in his hands walking down the street.

People dancing to the accordion during the wedding, singing ditties, the horse in the barn eating hay, people are dancing, the man with the bag the hands of the leaves along the street, the girl standing at the fence.

The bride and groom dancing to the accordion, dancing guests.

The woman behind the window glass a prayer.

Panorama of the room, the child at the table, an elderly man lying under the blanket, gets up with difficulty.

An elderly woman sitting against the wall of the house.

Panorama village, autumn landscape, soaring cranes.

The face of an elderly man.

The horse in the barn eating hay.

A woman sits at the wall of the house.

Russian cities and regions; Life and leisure; Religion
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Social life

Reel №7

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The face of an elderly man, the man lays on the bed.

Older women go through the cemetery between the graves, a view of one of the graves.

The fallen grave cross.

Clouds in the sky.

Cobwebs on the fence, melted the snow.

An elderly man sitting on the bed.

View of one of the graves in the village cemetery, a memorial inscription on the grave.

The pictures on the walls of the house, an elderly man sitting on the bed, and utters incoherent words, crying.

Babe playing in grass, passes by a woman carrying water in buckets, children are catching up with her.

Reset logs into the water for rafting, lesosplava with hook in hand at work, passing by people in a motor boat, logs in the water.

Clouds in the sky.

Lesosplava resets the logs in the water.

A man carrying a basket along the wall of the house.

The daily life of the inhabitants of the village of Verkola, the children go to school in shallow water.

The woman on the ice at the wells untangles fishing tackle, hooking the bait fish through the hole.

The horse near a pile of firewood.

The children go to school across the river in shallow water.

Clouds in the sky.

A girl walks through shallow water to the fact that the prayer "our father" (synchronous).

Russian cities and regions; Life and leisure
Towns and countries; Geography and Nature; Social life