As soon as possible.. (1988)

Film-document №52163 2 parts, Duration: 0:14:35 to collection Price category G
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:04

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Director: Rodichev D.

Script writers: Pik V.

Operators: Belyakov L.


The film tells about the organization of work are not paramilitary civil defense in order to effectively eliminate the consequences of accidents at industrial facilities. By order of Civil Defense of the USSR.

Educational films | Man-made disasters

Science | Wars, conflicts and disasters

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The branches of the tree, the bell on the wooden bar.

Over the field and spreading smoke through the trees.

Forest fire.

Destroyed building.

Rescuers from the blockage of the affected output.

The man in the ambulance.

Rescuers close the back door, the car drives off.

Medics visiting the wounded under the trees.

Ambulance on a country road.

The convoy of vehicles rescue services.

Animation: the scheme of selection systems machines.

The head of the group with maps.

Convoy on the roadside.

Instructions rescuers.

Signaller sends a message.

UAZ vehicle traveling on the road, stopped near the trees.

Last minute ruins of buildings.

Machinery engineering exploration are on the side of the road, on the edge of the road is a man.

Intelligence unit is moving along country roads to the accident site.

The car stops in front of the dam.

People in protective suits disagree on the premises.

Radiation intelligence.

Chemical intelligence.

Blockage of concrete slabs.

Report scouts main group of rescuers.

The car drives away.

Animation: chart advance speed special units along the route with obstacles.

Rescue convoy moving on the road.

Animation: traffic pattern column machines.

Road and construction equipment on the analysis of the rubble.

Animation: the scheme of arrangement of main and auxiliary units.

Column rides on cleared roads.


The destruction of the structure of approaching fire trucks.

Clubs of smoke rising into the sky.

Signal lights on the cab roof.

Smoke on the conflagration.

The crew gets out and prepares equipment.

Fire fighting foam.

Animation: rebuilding techniques when approaching littered with defensive structures.

Construction crane parses blockage, people run to the object.

Master drill holes in the plate.

Bookmark explosives.


Bulldozers are clearing the debris.


Chelyabinsk region

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Excavators digging the ground.

The rise concrete blocks crane.

Machinery and rescuers are working on the analysis of the dam.

Rescuers pulled a man from the rubble.

Moving the patient to a stretcher.

Specialists in protective suits carry out radiological and chemical reconnaissance.

Signalman report on the results.

The rescuers opened the door to the shelter.

Jammed door.

A set of tools to perform the engineering work.


Work on opening the door.

The rescuers opened the emergency exit.

Rescuers in the ventilation shaft.

View littered emergency exit outside.

Rescuers down the mine down.

Penetration of the opening in the wall.

Crane pulls concrete blocks.

People are selected from the asylum.

Rescuers inspect the site.

Experts cover the damaged water supply systems.

People talk on the phone.

The convoy of specialized equipment in the field.

The man in the booth bulldozer.

Different techniques work on felling and road construction.


Chelyabinsk region