Lasers.. (1986)

Film-document №52284 2 parts, Duration: 0:19:41 to collection Price category G
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:59

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Director: Kogan I.

Script writers: Kogan I.

Operators: Habad A.


The training film in laser systems show a wide range of wavelengths, the application presented.

Educational films | Science | Discoveries

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Iridescence of colored laser beams.

On the set, the lights come on, and the shooting begins.

Laser beam.

Laboratory equipment in the semi-darkness.

A cameraman with a camera.

Portrait of A. K. Tolstoy.

Stills of the film "Hyperboloid of engineer Garin".

Laboratory equipment.

Animation: changing the energy level of atoms.

Animation: excited atoms, chaotic radiation of energy.

The lights go out on the set.

Photos of scientists.

Quote from A. Einstein.

Portrait of A.Einstein.

Pages of the book.

Animation: transitions of atoms to a different state.

Portrait of P. A. M. Dirac.

Animation: the movement of twin photons, the formation of new pairs of photons.

Portrait of L. E. Boltzmann.

Animation: absorption of induced photons by unexcited atoms.

Photos of scientists.

Portrait of V. A. Fabrikant.

Animation: stable energy levels, the formation of a light stream on the principle of an optical quantum amplifier.

The lights come on on the set.

Chronicle of the 1930s:

Instrument readings, radiophysicists at work.

Laboratory equipment.

Molecular model of the ruby crystal lattice.

Animation: experience with xenon lamps.

Animation: experience with xenon lamps and mirrors.

Laser flashes.

Experiment with laser pulses.

Lasers of various types.

Animation: laser radiation.

Experience in increasing the power of the laser pulse.

A gas-discharge tube with a mixture of helium and neon.

Experience with the tube and mirrors, the formation of a continuous flow.

Animation: the movement of photons.

Laser beam.

Experience with the prism.

Focusing the beam.


EA Evstigneev - Film and theater actor, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR.


1986 1930s

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

People on the set.

The light goes out.

Laser beams in darkness.

Directional beam.

Alternation: metal welding laser specialists monitor the equipment.

Laser Pattern cutting perform curvilinear cutting metal.


Laser beams in darkness.

Man adjusts the intensity of the laser radiation.

Laboratory equipment.


Experience to eliminate interference in the beam path (creating a fiber glass fiber).

Specialists of the radio and television.

The laser beam on a background studio equipment.

Directional beam.

Using the beam to separate the solution.

Laser cleaning fibers from impurities.

The laser with tunable frequency.

Laboratory biological experiments using the laser.

Laser treatment.

Surgeons carried out an operation using a laser scalpel.

Laser eye microsurgery.

The laser beam passes through the studio.

Laser application in studies of electrical discharges.

Laser speed meter.

Scientists working with the laser microscope.

Scientist of the laser unit, focus the light beam.

Animation: the laser flash.

Laboratory equipment.

Scientists are working to develop nuclear fusion installation.

The test device.

Pictures and results printout experience.


The frames of the film "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin".

Scientists are working with laser equipment.

General view of the lab.

Ticker: interpretation of the word "laser".


EA Evstigneev - Film and theater actor, Honored Artist of Russia, People's Artist of Russia, People's Artist of the USSR.
