Endures to the end. (1997)

Film-document №53673 3 parts, Duration: 0:28:11 to collection Price category S
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:57

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Director: Krinicin B.

Operators: Belyaev G.


The film is about the search for the final resting place of Bishop Victor (Ostrovidov), who died in the Pechora region in 1934, and the deferral of his relics to the convent in Vyatka (formerly Kirov). The film features cinematography Pechora camps in which members of the clergy serving sentences. Interview Hieromonk Damascene father (synchronously). Landscapes of the Pechora River. Oil production in the Pechora oil field in the 30s.

Religion | Stalin's era

Social life | History

Reel №1

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Clouds from above.

Hieromonk Damascene looks out the window.

Lake view from the plane.

Orthodox women in the airplane.

Kind on a coastal cliff to the beach.

Top view of a cliff.

Monk goes through the woods.

View on the forest lake shore.

The priest.

Lakeside view.

Boats sail on the lake.

Wagon pulled by a horse.

The farmer prepares the food.

The farmer goes to the lake.


Ships locals.

The plate with a historical note.

Newsreel 20-30s Stalin; exiles and security officers go through the woods and swamps; forest and views of the lake and the river; exiles are working on a barge, pulling a barge, security officers guarding;  bonfires on the beach, sunset; exiles uprooted trees; Boat departs from the shore, the boat on the water; exiles for Forging, towers.

Key words

The Gulag




Komi Republic

Reel №2

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Newsreel 1930: exiles on drilling rigs, oil, work in the mines, the exiles in mines, production site, a communist, a local livestock farming, horse driven barrel room with portraits of leaders.

Photos from the archives of the Criminal Investigation image suffered for their faith.

Crosses in the cemetery.

The woman at the tree.

Monk reading in the boat.

Bushes on the graves.

Photos of Bishop Victor Ostrovidov.

Memorial service at the grave of Bishop Victor.

Censing around the tomb.

Parishioner at the cemetery.

Wooden cross carved with letters.

Photos of the bishop.




Komi Republic


Oil wells and mines.

Reel №3

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Settlement on the bank.

Boats near the shore.

Orthodox priest.

Service on the beach.

Baptism in water.

Landscape with the river.

Snow-covered field.

Winter landscapes.

Nuns of the monastery with a lantern.

Religious procession at the monastery.

Adding to the sepulcher in the monastery.


The transfer of the remains of Bishop.

Victor monastery.

Nuns of the monastery.

Cancer remains.

The priest lights the lamps.

Icons of Christ and the Virgin.

Portraits of Bishop Victor.

Portrait of Patriarch Tikhon.

More portraits of victims of priests and nuns.

Hieromonk Damascene tells suffered for their faith.

Book of martyrs, confessors and ascetics of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XX century.

Hieromonk Damascene tells suffered for their faith.

Book of martyrs, confessors and ascetics of the Russian Orthodox Church of the XX century.