Legend of Whitewater. (2001)

Film-document №53674 3 parts, Duration: 0:24:47 to collection Price category S
Title image

Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:21

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Director: Ivchenko V.

Script writers: Selezneva E.

Operators: Ahnin V.

Composers: Burlyaev I.


Landscapes southern Gorny Altai mountains, valley Uymena, Katun River, life of Old Believers, Uymenskoy inhabitants of the valley, the religious rites of the Old Believers and the original inhabitants of the Altai Valley residents talk about their lives. In the film, shot villagers: Upper Uymena, Cartoons, quietly ail Mendur-Sokkon.

Historical background

Old Believers began to flee to the Altai in the middle of the XVII century., After the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon.

Religion | National culture

Social life | Culture and Arts

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Landscapes Altai.

The mountains and the river.

Horseman rides.

Family photo Atamanovo.

House Atamanovo.

Descendant Atamanovo walks around the house.

Old shooting locals.

Landscape of the city of Upper Uymon.

Atamanovo descendant of the house.

Grandmother sing.


Old shooting life of local residents.

Old shooting nature and people.

Story of a woman.


Says descendant Atamanovo.

Children around the elder.


The story of the senior Chud.


Man goes down into the pit.

Locals village.

The story of a local resident.


Wax head of the national headdress.

Roof from the inside.

Valley Landscape.

Stone steles - tombstones Turks.

Continuing the story of a local.

Nature, mountains with heights.

Nature, mountains with heights.

World War II

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Nature of Altai with height.

Old Believers shooting.

Locals come out of the house church.



The story of a local resident.


Inside the house of a local family.

Family tree of family Zheleznovs.

House outside.

Old shooting locals at work and everyday life.

Photos of local residents with the icon.


A local resident said.

Family of Old Believers in the field and chores.

Family eating outdoors.


Old Believers at work.

Old Believer says.

Nature, the interior of the house.

Believer of the woodwork.

Landscapes of settlement during and after the storm.

Old Believer says.

Altai during a thunderstorm.

Believer playing the accordion.

Photos of the young conservatives.

Old shooting leaving for Belovodye conservatives.

Map Search Belovodye.

The journey through the desert.

Figure pilgrim coming to town.

Old shooting leaving for Belovodye conservatives.

Map Search Belovodye.

The journey through the desert.

Figure pilgrim coming to town.

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame


The remains of corpses.

Story Atamanova older.


Old Believer story.

Old footage of life exiles.

Meeting of Families.


The old family photo Atamanovo.

New family photo Atamanovo.

The story of the older children Belovode.




Boy shoeing a horse.

Mountains from the plane.