Soldiers. (2004)

Film-document №53815 1 part, Duration: 0:10:11 to collection Price category S
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Movie 1 0:10:11

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The film tells the story of the temple of the Holy Reverend Elijah of Murom Vlasikha about working with soldiers missile forces.

Army | Religion

Defense and internal security | Social life

Movie №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Moscow region, Vlasikha, children play near the monument to Zhukov.

Chronicle of the defense of Moscow during the Second World War: Balloons over the city.

People sleep in the shelter.

Zhukov at the military meeting.

Soldiers dismantled weapons.

Tanks punch barrage.

Soldiers go into battle, shooting and explosions.

German soldiers taken captive.

Zhukov monument in Vlasikha.

Monument missilemen.

On the road past the temple of passing military equipment.

The Church of St.

Elijah of Murom with a chapel in honor of Saint Barbara.

Rector, Fr Mikhail Vasiliev.

Icon of St.

Elias of Murom.

Archival materials:

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

Near Caves Monastery.

The relics of Ilya Caves.

Icons on the wall of the temple.

Disciples Sunday School.

Icon above the entrance.

Soldiers serving in the temple.

The priest blesses the soldiers.

The soldiers light candles.

Marching missile forces.

A woman looks out from under his hands.

The soldier with the child.

Bonus cakes on the tables.

Demonstration of military exercises.

Laughing soldiers.

Presentation of prizes.

The priest speaks with the team.

Children and adults from the fountains.

Outbreaks of fireworks.


GK Zhukov - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Soviet Defense Minister.




Moscow region

World War II