First Flight to the Stars. (1961)

Film-document №5549 6 parts, Duration: 0:54:59 to collection Price category C
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Part 1 digitized in HD 0:09:21

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1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;


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Producer CSDF (RCSDF)

Director: Kopalin I., Bogolepov D., Kosenko G.

Script writers: Kublickiy G., Ryabchikov E.

Composers: Lokshin A., Sevastyanov A.

Anouncers: Khmara L.

Text writers: Kublickiy G., Ryabchikov E.


About the first manned spaceflight in history and Yury Gagarin.

Historical background

April 12, 1961 in the Soviet Union has been committed by the world's first space flight on board the spaceship "Vostok-1". On board the ship was Soviet cosmonaut YA Gagarin. April 14, 1961 Moscow met YA Gagarin.

Conquest of Space | International cooperation | The first manned space flight. | Movies for broadcasting


Temporary description

Meeting Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the airfield. Khrushchev welcomed the first cosmonaut of the planet. Gagarin report to his Khrushchev (sinhr.). A car with Gagarin and Nikita Khrushchev on the streets of Moscow. The rally in Red Square. Speeches Khrushchev, Yuri Gagarin from the podium of the Mausoleum. Working people of Moscow are on Red Square. Landscape Smolensk region. Townscape Besatska. House parents Gagarin. Types of Saratov. The building of an industrial technical school, where he studied Gagarin. Orenburg flying school, where he studied Gagarin. The instructor has been working with the cadets. Members of the cosmonaut corps engaged on simulators at the Cosmonaut Training Center. Doctors check the health of the astronaut, watching him in the vibro-chair, in the pressure chamber. Members of the cosmonaut team play volleyball, practicing in the pool, parachute, tested in surdobarokamere in a centrifuge. Meeting astronauts with Air Marshal KA Vershinin. Scientists trained to fly a spaceship "Vostok" equipment, banks with plants, seeds, bacteria. Preparation of the ship "Vostok" for launch. Doctors examine the Gagarin before the flight. Gagarin in space-suit rides the bus, rises in an elevator in the cabin, sits down in a spaceship. Gagarin flight, said at the time of flight (sinhr.), members of Mission Control Center monitor the flight of the spacecraft. Gagarin, after landing, flying in an airplane. Reception at the Kremlin in honor of Yuri Gagarin. Leonid Brezhnev, Gagarin award the Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Reel №1

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Rocket plane flying high above the ground, leaving a smoke trail.

White clouds in the blue sky - MS.

Rainbow over the yellow field - LS.

Close-ups of people in different countries: white and black, the believers, scientists, children of different nationalities.

Crimean observatory - LS. (With a / t).

Scientists at the telescopes.

The ruins of Babylon - LS.

Ancient Egyptian pyramid.

Pyramid, the Sphinx - LS., CU.

Drawings of people dream of flying into space.

Newsreel of the civil war in Rossii1918-1921gg.

Stills from the film "Aelita" of rocket flight to the moon.

Images from the movie "Space flight" of flying on the moon.

The streets of Moscow on the day of the meeting of the 1st in the world cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin - LS. (With a / t).

"IL-18", escorted by fighter jets in the air - LS.

A solemn meeting of Yuri Gagarin at Vnukovo airport - LS ..


YA Gagarin Reports to NS Khrushchev on the successful completion of a flight into space aboard the "Vostok-1" (synchronous).

NS Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, AN Kosygin F.R.Kozlov, KE Voroshilov, EA Furtseva, NT Ignatov, OV Kuusinen etc.

Party and government leaders, relatives, Muscovites welcome and congratulate Gagarin.

On cars, NS Khrushchev, Y. Gagarin solemn cortege passing through the streets of Moscow, Muscovites astronaut warmly welcome all along its route from Vnukovo to Red Square.

Helicopters dropping leaflets with a picture of Gagarin.

NS Khrushchev and Gagarin on the mausoleum.

Reel №2

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The rally in Red Square in honor of the first manned flight into space - LS., MS. (From different angles).

With Mausoleum stands Khrushchev (synchronous) - LS., CU.

Listening at the rally - CU.

Dutch director Ioris Evans listens - CU.

AI Mikoyan, LI Brezhnev F.R.Kozlov, Nikita Khrushchev, Y. Gagarin, KE Voroshilov on the mausoleum.

Those present at the meeting listening, applauding - LS. PNRM.

Neva Embankment by the Winter Palace in St.


Sculpture of double-headed eagle with a crown - CU., LS.

Peter and Paul Fortress - LS., MS.

The camera in the fortress, where he was imprisoned Kibalchich.

Figure missiles Kibalchich made before death.

Portrait Kibalchicha - MS.

Pigeon on the windowsill of the camera in the fortress - MS.

The tower of the fortress.

House Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga - PNRM., LS., MS.

Tsiolkovsky's workshop, located on the terrace.

Newsreel 1927.

Tsiolkovsky in his workshop working on a model airship.

Monument Tsiolkovsky in Kaluga - LS., MS.

PNRM. the streets of Kaluga - LS.

The inscription on the monument - CU.

NS Khrushchev continued his speech in Red Square (synchronously).

Newsreel of the 1917-1920-ÙÅ years.

Lenin in Red Square.

Fly over Red Square chetyrehkryly plane.

Fly over Red Square airship - LS.

Flying blimp - LS.

People look at the airship - MS., CU.

VI Lenin looks at flying airship.

Balloon rises - PNRM., CU.

The plane flies over one of the areas in the Arctic.

Plane on which V.Chkalov flew to America, in the air.

Newsreel 1936.

Americans meet Valery Chkalov, Belyakov, Baidukov.

Meeting Chkalov and Belyakov Baydukova have committed non-stop US-USSR, Moscow.

Joyful demonstrators held on Red Square, enthusiastic welcome astronaut.

NS Khrushchev and Yuri Gagarin welcomed the demonstrators.

Ecstatic protesters - CU.

YA Gagarin talking about himself (synchronous)

Spring landscapes of Russian nature - MS.

Place of fights with the Nazi invaders in the Smolensk region, overgrown grass - MS.

Monument to the heroes who died in the battles for the liberation Gjatsk in 1941-1942.

Landscapes Gjatsk neighborhoods.


Yuri's parents' house Gagarin Gzhatsk.

Mother YA Gagarin in his home.

Children play during recess at school Gzhatsk.

Pupils Gzhatsk vocational school, where he studied Yuri Gagarin, reading the newspaper with a picture of Gagarin.

Street in

Saratov - LS. PNRM. with a / t

PNRM. the building of the Saratov Industrial Technical School, where he studied YA Gagarin.

Students at the college.

The field of the Saratov Flying Club airfield cadets pass, which was engaged in YA Gagarin.

Cadets in a Lear jet made its first flight, make "barrel".

Volga (removed from the aircraft).

Spring - LS.

On the streets of Orenburg systems are flight school students.

Instructor Anatoly Kolosov engaged with the students of higher flight school.

Sign "Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School Air Force» - CU.

Board with a list of graduating from college in 1957, among them - YA Gagarin.

Portrait of YA Gagarin on board Honors College.

YA Gagarin continues to talk about themselves (synchronously).

Reel №3

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

Model of the first artificial satellites in the pavilion ENEA.

Design Bureau on the development problems of space exploration.

Works even a car.

Remote control adding machine.

The hand on the remote - CU.

Synchrotron - LS., MS.

Scientists working at the control synchrotron.

Animation: inside the magnetic chamber proton beams fly, fly a rocket to the moon, Soviet pennant on the moon, planetary probes in flight, photographed the invisible side of the Moon.

The selection of astronauts from the various instruments.

Check the status of the astronaut at motion (swing).

Astronauts with the sensors on the body vibrokresle, doctors observe the test probes.

Checking astronaut in a pressure chamber.

Devices recorders show the performance of the heart in a pressure chamber.

Astronaut in the chamber collapses.

Physicians to assist the astronaut in a pressure chamber.

Group of astronauts selected for further training.

YA Gagarin and other cosmonauts are trained in different sports: athletics, swimming, diving, parachuting onto the field and into the water.

Gagarin makes parachuting from the tower and the plane.

Reel №4

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

YA Gagarin is engaged in the reading room.


Devices in the chamber.

Devices show state astronaut is in surdobarokamere.

Cosmonaut GR Titov leaves surdobarokamry after many days in it.

Astronaut trains in congestion in the centrifuge.

Astronaut training in zero gravity in a special plane.

The tests cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

A friendly meeting with the astronauts, Air Marshal KA Vershinin.

Newsreel 1960:

Scientists are preparing to ship the equipment to test the reliability of the protection from cosmic radiation, prepare representatives of earthly life: bacteria, insects, seeds, plants, mice, dogs, Belka and Strelka in special suits with sensors

The appearance of a spaceship.

Elevator rises to the top of the rocket - MS.

Blast-off - LS.

The staff let the dogs out of the container landed after space flight.

Press conference on the flight into space rocket with animals.

Belka and Strelka shown at the press conference.

Photo journalists at a press conference.

YA Gagarin at home with his family on the eve of his space flight.

YA Gagarin trained in the centrifuge.

American newsreel:

Starting rocket with monkeys on board - LS., MS., CU.

Trained monkey Ham.

Unsuccessful flight of the U.S. space rocket, the capsule with a monkey falls into the ocean.

Survey Monkey after a flight.

Press Conference of American astronauts.

A group of Soviet cosmonauts, including Yuri Gagarin is on the airfield.

YA Gagarin made a speech before the State Commission (synchronously).

Reel №5

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

The inscription on a spaceship "of the USSR. East »- CU.

The appearance of "Vostok» - LS. (In preparation for the launch.)

General view of the astronaut's cabin, chair, joystick, remote pilot, globe automatic TV camera, food containers astronaut.

Tubes with food.

YA Gagarin was asleep before the start.

Different areas of the world, taken from the top of an airplane.

Camel caravan in the desert - LS. (With a / t).

Rookery - LS.

Greenland's ice - LS.

Animation: the starry sky, moving planets, asteroids.

Health screening Y. Gagarin to space flight.

Astronaut dressed in a special costume for the flight.

Astronaut and the accompanying travel to the launch pad at Baikonur.

YA Gagarin at the Baikonur says goodbye to the mourners.

Lift with astronaut climbs to the top of the rocket.

Cosmonaut takes place in the cockpit, and the pings of his readiness for flight.

PNRM. the Spasskaya tower on Red Square.

Kremlin chimes show time: 9 hours 07 minutes.

Television tower in the TV - CU.

Takeoff rocket - LS.

Clouds - CU.

Radars - MS.

Television Centre - LS.

Animation: Globe, drawn orbit around the earth.

Announcer Levitan at the microphone.

Players on the streets of Moscow.

People listen to the radio on the street - CU., MS.

Mature woman wipes her tears of joy - CU.

A sailor on the Anichkov Bridge in Leningrad, listening to the radio - CU.

Reel №6

Footage frameFootage frameFootage frameFootage frame

TV remote control: on TV - Gagarin flight - CU.

Television Center, is two-way communication with the astronaut (synchronously).

Animation: night over Western Animation: around the globe flying spacecraft - LS.


Helicopter in the desert - LS.

Helicopter over the steppe - LS.

High water in the forest - LS. PNRM.

Volga - LS. (The plane).

Clock on the Kremlin: 10chasov 55 minutes. - MS.

Animation: around the globe flying spacecraft.

On the streets of Moscow are people with welcoming banners in honor of one of the first cosmonaut.

Jubilant youth on the streets, in Red Square - LS., CU.

YA Gagarin flight after talking to the doctor and the Stewards.

Talking sweat phone with NS Khrushchev (synchronously).

Soviet people joyfully welcome cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in the path of the aircraft.

YA Gagarin in the plane on the way to the place of rest.

The telephone international communications convey messages about space flight in different countries.

Appearance edition "L'Humanite" in Paris.

Parisians consider the portrait of Yuri Gagarin

Jubilant faces Arabs, Africans, and others

YA Gagarin among his fellow cosmonauts Titov, Nikolaev, etc.

After the rest, JA Gagarin plane for Moscow.

"IL-18", escorted by fighter jets in the air - LS.

Fanfaristy play - MS.

On government reception in the Grand Kremlin Palace go NS Khrushchev, Y. Gagarin with his wife and parents, etc.

Reception in honor of the 1st in the world cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in St.

George's Hall.

Foreign guests congratulate Gagarin.

LI Brezhnev presents YA Gagarin the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union.

NS Khrushchev made a speech at the reception (synchronously).

The people in the squares of Moscow in the evening April 14, 1961

Fireworks over Red Square.

Fireworks over the Kremlin's Spassky Tower.

Space rocket takes off - LS., MS.

Movie №0